What do weeaboos listen to?

What do weeaboos listen to?

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Where did you get that pic of my girlfriend?
Please refrain from posting further pictures of her. She's not your girlfriend.

Death Grips

we talking real weebs here or Sup Forums weebs cause real weebs listen to that visual kei shit and jpop and all that and all the weebs here listen to noise and eai

They usually have an alright taste and are open to lots of things when they're not listening to ear grating denpa stuff. Nothing too specific apart from the obvious Jap music though.

Source: I've had two weeb gfs

Most weeb girls I've met are really shy or timid.

None of them were landwhales though.

anzu is my only chance for a real life waifu

Video game music and Hamilton from my experience

In my experience with weeaboos:

>obnoxious Japanese and Korean pop music
>video game soundtracks

>that guy
yo is this what happens when the 90s kid from pic related and Sammyclassicsonicfan make a fusion?