Is this woman overrated?
Is this woman overrated?
more like overWEIGHTED
I'd still fuck her
I wouldn't. Fatness sickens me.
But man I hate her dull music. Dullness is such a fucking crime imo.
I literally don't even know what that fucking term is meant to mean. Over *rated* as in rated by critics? Which ones? Or are we meant to kinda try guess at a holistic average point between all the critic opinions we've happened to hear? Or do you really mean overrated as in popular? In that sense I don't think the term can really apply because obviously their popularity is just a reflection of how many individuals enjoy that persons music so whatever their level of popularity is that's just a reflection of reality and what people like so it can't be "wrong" per say
The only thing more repugnant and hateable than boring is retro boring.
At least be of your time, or warp the influences into something strange and current. Nothing but contempt for people who don't do that. It's not that hard, actually!
But then, I suppose I'm a genius, so.
no, she's fucking overrated m8 amiroight innit
She does have an impressive voice but she has never and likely will never create anything interesting
I like a few of her songs, but most are unmemorable.
hello is a classic. the rest are forgettable.
I would have her babies and collab with her for the rest of my life
I was kinda shocked to find out she's only 28. She looks much older and fatter.
Yes. She has an incredible singing voice, I'd even call her a female Freddie Mercury in her vocal abilities and power. But her songs are boring shit. Their sound is boring, the lyrics are boring, the compositions are especially boring.
Also, whoever does her backing vocals should just fucking stop. They're always so bad.
Amy Lee is better and she doesn't sleep with niggers in her videos.
She's got a good voice & it's refreshing to have a popstar to not whore out onstage, but her music is boring as shit
She's not overrated, but that album is.
Talentless whale. Her songs are so generic, boring and commercial. The basic concepts aimed to target average the pleb in her songs are in-genuine and straightforward that that are seemingly created
to insult mankind's intelligence.
Well since she's generally considered to not be shit, I would say yes, she is overrated.
No. For once there is someone in mainstream in this generation who can actually sing like a motherfucker. She has nice lyrics, great range, doesn't behave like a retard like almost every celebrity to stay in the news. She is chill as fuck too.
Would make her eat eggs/10
lol, you are a retard
Adele is garbage.
I hate when people use "overrated" to describe popularity. Often when something is very popular it has a large amount of haters too.
Clarifying: I still think she's overrated, since many normies consider her to be the pinnacle of modern music.
she is in someway. You have to understand that many normies have never listened to anything that doesn't come to them. They don't really look for music. Considering all that, Adele is actually the best of all the very famous artists. There are always going to be musically, vocally, lyrically, 'better'(more deeper/thought out?) artists. Think Beatles. Do you really think Beatles are the best fucking musical act in the history of mankind? It is a very popular opinion though but when you think about it, it's stupid. But hey they were very good after all. I believe that EVERY very famous artists is automatically overrated. Because when you become that fucking famous, 99% of your fans are normies and they are fucking retarted in the way they talk about what they like. Music becomes less and less important for these people. The only and most popular reason I find why people who don't like Adele is because they don't like that genre itself. The concept of her songs is very limited too, and if that's not you taste then you will most definitely find her boring. Some people don't like the production. She, as a voice is never at fault on her records.
>hello is a classic
Great voice, shit bland production and lyrics.
Well, no shit. She's undeniably talented as a singer though, and does middle-of-the-road poppy soul better than most.
It's a shame her voice goes to waste on such average records, Rolling in the Deep shows how much she's capable of, but she needs some sort of creative direction if she ever wants any sort of critical acclaim. I doubt she really cares though and will just write another album about her ex.
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