Am I allowed to like Queen Sup Forums?
What about your favorite queen son you've got to have one of those.
Am I allowed to like Queen Sup Forums?
What about your favorite queen son you've got to have one of those.
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God you're a faggot. Think for yourself you fucking waste of sperm.
Somebody to Love a best
Of course faggot, you can like any music you like as long as you don't go around spouting the "all this generations music is crud!!!!!" shit.
Under Pressure I guess?
Kill yourself you fucking Sup Forums-drone autist, it's people like you that make this world a shitty place.
Fat Bottomed Girls
fat bottomed girls is their absolute worst song
>under pressure
terrible song
I'm not taking your bait.
March of the Black Queen, tho.
the invisible man
also kys OP
You can like any band you like faggot
>Don't Stop Me Now
>march of the black queen
my bruh
if Sup Forums likes cardiacs sparks and similar artists why the fuck cant i listen to queen
>all of a night at the opera
>queen 2
Killer Queen
even p4k like some queen albums. i guess it's only 'dae le queen' people dislike
The show must go on
guys, Princes of the Universe or Hammer to Fall?
Queen I, II and sheer heart attack are their best albums.
Seven seas of rhye I guess. Queen were probably the first band I ever properly listened to when I was younger. Unsure why they're hated so much here, not a huge fan of them but they were four talented musicians making reasonably good music.
Queen is 'le wrong generation' reddit-tier shit
Everyone I know who likes Queen is a massive toolbag
Underated queen songs
The Prophet's Song.
>I only listen to REAL music. Kanye West, FKA Twigs, Kendrick Lamar, Beyonce, Earl Sweatshirt, Flying Lotus, The Weeknd, DOOM, Drake, Beyonce, Deangelo, the list goes on
>*white person sees a cracker* white person "same" desu. literally same. literally me every day of my life bae. um, good job white people.
>I follow pop culture.
>I watch the grammys. I watch the VMAs. I love live tweeting about both
>I listen to both mainstream music AND indie! I'm a new breed of cultured
>I love tweeting about the NBA. Did you all see the NBA All Star game? Check out this meme of a NBA star! he be like
>Beyonce be like
>Jay-Z be like
>Nicki Minaj be like
>Yeezy season approaching
>Check out this meme I made, it references Drake and a new movie that just came out
>Bae. Keep calm and smoke a blunt. Emojis. I embrace memes and trends. But post-ironically.
>Ironic 90s nostalgia t-shirts bae
>um white people fucked up again. like, good job everyone. great job society. baka desu
>WOW. I want my girlfriend to hear Deangelos voice while we have sex.
>People of Colour >>>> White People. boohoo white people, youre life is sooo tough. redirect to Sup Forums
>, stereogum, tumblr, instagram, jezebel,, grantland, I'm in the know
>#readyforhillary #orblackcanidate #stopwhitepeople #tbhcrew
reddit: the band desu senpai
Of course, Queen's music transcends any meme trends. Hell I ended up learning the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody and Killer Queen on piano at one point. Favorite is probably Another One Bites the Dust
holy shit you got this butthurt about my two-line offhand comment about a shitty dadrock band from 30+ years ago
i think you belong on for how much politics you read into my post, paranoid faggot
how cant you tell that that was copypasta?
also why are you getting wrong at someone looking so much into your post when you literally did the exact same thing with the epic le epic wrong generation meme?
you don't like them because they're popular
you're going to retroactively come up with some excuses that aren't really true to try to prove me wrong, but deep down you know I'm right and you're a massive faggot
oh shit i got memed, thanks for the fresh pasta though
getting mad*
because every faggot who likes queen is literally rebbit as fuck tbqh senpai
now excuse me while i go listen to the latest kendrick album while watching the NBA finals
>>People of Colour >>>> White People. boohoo white people, youre life is sooo tough. redirect to Sup Forums
>replies with like pottery
>not liking fat bottom girls
This is why you're still single user
political agitation belongs on Sup Forums though, which is what that copypasta is
being an anti-SJW is just as cancerous as being a SJW
The best Queen son is Prince
>you don't like them because they're popular
Maybe there's some truth to that but I've always thought that those songs are absolutely terrible.
>Rhapsody, Flick of the Wrist, The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke > >
>Everyone I know who likes Queen is a massive toolbag
You must not know that many people, then. For fucks sake, EVERYBODY likes Queen (apart from Sup Forums, apparently). I can understand and appreciate why Sup Forums is not partial for them (frankly, the same reason they don't like Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc.), but they're a massive pop band with a lot of musical talent. Sure, it appeals to the pleb in everyone, but as far as played-straight pop/ pop rock goes, it's the cream of the crop.
There is a lot of truth to that copypasta though. The baby "le wrong generation dadrock faggot" crowd seem to always be like that.
Reddit has ruined them for me, but they are good
Everything from the first album to The Game is GOAT. They lost me after that until Innuendo. Shame Freddie died after that came out as they were getting back on track.
Favorite Queen song of all time for me personally would have to be Sheer Heart Attack
I see people get shit here for liking Queen, I don't blame you for the disclaimer.
That being said, It's A Kind of Magic is the best.