/dgg/ - Death Grips General

What did they mean by this?

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Guess we'll just have to settle for keks and lels than


i love their tweets. kinda wish they were more active, like 2011-2012 active

>tfw both zach and @deathgripz used to follow you
>zach once replied to me

good times

uh oh

shit's about to get real

To Push The Button

his twitter is fake

guys i'm going to do it

the old one, before even tripono. If only thruthewalls forums was still alive so you could get to see their humorous tweets

found some

keep in mind the current @deathgripz/@deathgrippin has nothing to do with these

personal favorite

lemme look up my files my folders my pictures

good times
why did they stop all that again?

genuinely laughed

Does anybody remember when they retweeted that hentai gif of 2 traps fucking?

I wonder if it was Zach or Andy that did that one. BB Poison has lead me to believe Zach's behind the tweets.

if every word I said was being turned into memes by underage retards I would stop posting too

Maybe it means they'll actually make a sickass video like back in the TMS days and literally everything they touched was gold

The inanimate sensation video and the first on GP video were 10/10 but then we got on GP 2.0 break mirrors and TPTB videos and they were all like 4/10s, and now the shoe troll video

Dont you have a grimes thread you should be posting in

The best possible meaning this could have is that Bottomless Pit and this latest music video has been the "fun era" Grips, and now they're saying that's the end of that, and their next project coming up will be some fucking bleak material.

i feel like zach is the biggest m a d m a n of the lot
andy is definitely aware of internet culture, probably the most out of them, but i dont think he has the balls or even would want to tweet graphic shit

are you really trying to deny that dg's fanbase isn't one of the most autistic?

DG antifans are the fucking turboautists

We cant have a nice thread about some recent DG activity without you spergs rampaging in and having a fucking autistic meltdown everywhere because people like things you dont like


Wrong. Boith the shoe video and TPTB are 11/10

this. they're done for good and wanted to say it in the most retarded way

We'll see

reminder death grips made a song about how thirsty as hell fans would respond so desperately to their meaningless and esoteric social media output. and you retards still do it


I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a twitter

Nice punctuation, Death Grips.

What's their profile pic anyway?


>no more lolis for you

t. moot

That's the confirmed fake twitter from the Jenny Death When days

Hot as duck outside

Have you just not been following anything for about 2 years?

bbpoltergiest was confirmed real literally ever since Inanimat Sensation.

bbpoltergeist was the fake one.

Did anyone see the thread made by a trip with the "?" that contained the date July 10, 2016 10:00 PM PDT
I can't find the fucking thread in any archives but it had a password

Reminder that your opinion is objectivley wrong

I saw it too, can't remember the passcode.
It's almost definitely fake


he didn't state an opinion
>Zach hit them off like, "It won't lit," they shit bricks
-BB Poison

I like how you're overanalyzing a lyric that you think is about overanalyzing

>lyric outright says something not even in a cryptic way
>points it out

it means they're breaking up for good you fucking memers. No more memes for you because no more music

Death Grips fans BTFO

hue, implying they'd ever give up the attention.

yeah, the tweet is just misspelled