Shorten an album to make it a 10

Shorten an album to make it a 10.

>A Peculiar Noise Called Train Director
>A Sleepy Company
>Black Foliage (Animation 2)
>I Have Been Floated
>Paranormal Echoes
>Black Foliage (Animation 3)
>Another Set of Bees In The Museum
>Black Foliage (Animation 5)

this album is already a 10. plus your choices are some pleb shit. i don't think you deserve to enjoy this record

>removes the Bark and Below it


>Removing California Demise
>Removing the Bark and Below It

>no Hideaway

you're in denial mate, it's mostly filler

once again: you don't deserve to enjoy this record. please improve your analytical listening skills.

oh yeah, California Demise is supposed to be in there. The Bark and Below It is still mildly interesting filler at best

>analytical listening skills


Once again, another Sup Forumstant doesn't understand what "filler" is.

"Songs I don't like" or "Songs I think are pointless" aren't filler. Filler is specifically music put in to pad an album for commercial release.

Nothing on either OTC album is filler. You think the musique concrete bits or the 11 minute sound collage track is gratuitous, unnecessary, or whatever? Fine, that's a personal opinion.

But they aren't filler. Everything on the album was included for a reason, not to make sure their album reached nearly 70 minutes.

its already an 10

>Did You See the Words
>The Purple Bottle
>Banshee Beat
>Turn into Something

people deny that nearly half this album is uninteresting filler, and it's a shame too, because these 5 tracks are their best

triggered af desu senpai



>Because these 5 tracks are my favorite everything else is filler

Learn what terms mean before using them.

Both of you would be better off just listening to singles and never touching anything longer than five minutes at most.

Wildflower - take out Frankie Sinatra and Kaliedoscopic Lovers

why so salty?

Go ahead. Defend Flesh Canoe. Defend Daffy Duck.

Defend Bees, the worst shit AnCo ever released prior to Painting With


>My Girls
>Summertime Clothes
>Lion in a Coma
>Brother Sport

it's mostly just filler

Flesh Canoe provides a breath of air before the Purple Bottle, while Bees gradually slows momentum for Banshee Beat; Bees is genuinely engaging from a sound perspective, just because it isn't an energetic pop song doesn't make it not good.

I personally have a gripe with Daffy Duck however, as together Banshee Beat and Loch Raven do what it's role is on the album and make it unnecessary.

It's like you don't understand album structure and just want a disjointed mess - it surprises me you don't like Painting With since it's 100% up your alley, no confusing pauses getting in the way.

>no In the Flowers
>no Bluish
>no Taste
kill yourself for real this time

>prior to Painting With
It's true that Painting With could be a 10/10 EP if you removed half of the tracks.

1. FloriDada
2. Vertical
3. Lying on the Grass
4. The Burglars
5. On Delay
6. Golden Gal

>Flesh Canoe provides a breath of air before the Purple Bottle
this means it's good?

An album containing only In the Flowers would be better than this shit.

Remove Sunshine and Light Up as well and I agree, it's a perfect album.

disgusting, on delay and golden gal are the most overrated songs on the album

Don't you fucking mess with Black Foliage! It's already a 10. You can't justify your shitty choices either. You removed the Bark and Below it. That track makes the album.

>Paranoid Android
>Subterranean Homesick Alien
>Exit Music
>Karma Police
>Fitter Happier
>No Surprises
>The Tourist

Let Down is their best song though.

>15 Step
>Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
>All I Need
>House of Cards
>Jigsaw Falling Into Place

It's good but to me it's like a less interesting no surprises

> Missing Let down
remove fitter happier

It's weird and interesting enough to stay imho