/grimes general/

Talk about the nicest Canuck in the music biz, Claire Boucher.

Grimes video of the day:

What is her best song? Album? Live performance? Who would you like to see her collab with?

Remember the golden rule, treat others as you would want them to treat you. Grimes would never be mean to you.
Try to keep it music related, and be nice to Grimes!

Other urls found in this thread:


i love grims

2md for waifuism

Grimes loves kpop

It is good to see she is finally eating something. She often forgets to eat food.


dat look like good pasta

What exactly was mean on my part?

Bon appetit.

It wasn't mean, it was a fact. Grimes herself said that she often forgets to eat. This user didn't say that in a mean way.

Twenty one pilots > this ugly bitch

Ha - you like Twenty One Pilots...

Beast Infection is beautiful
I'm listening to it on a coffee shop, it's raining outside

she likes them too


I want to hit her with a hammer

Yes, but she's notorious for liking really bad artists for really good reasons.

what kind of car does Grimes drive?

There on Saturn you don't need cars.

daily reminder that grimes is either an alien, a greek goddess, or was designed at a japanese lab

But here on Earth she needs one.

daily reminder grimes is just an androgynous high pitched singing canadian who listened to a lot of music and got super fucking lucky.

kill this heretic

her androgyny is what makes her so attractive, btw.

there's a reason you don't think ariel pink is as qt despite being pretty much the same person.

Do you think she sweats when she fucks?



if i roll a nat 20 and my music career ends up going somewhere, my hobby will be to indulge creepy shit like this with a wink and a smile.

we don't have enough overtly sexual effeminite celebrities in this world desu. ruby rhod is goals.

In a previous thread people were saying Grimes is/was mean? I thought she was picked on

this is the face of a bully


She was cute then. In my school the kids who were picked on were ugly, and not ugly because they had bad hair or whatever but just bad genes

androgynous grimes is best grimes

>that fucking shirt
what a loser

anybody who disagrees with this is wrong and will not receive her blessings when she conquers saturn and ascends into her true form.

Halfaxa kinda sucked


Everything she has ever made sucks. I would rather not listen to a baby whimpering over a microphone.


Cool pic.

She worked hard to be where she is now. You're just a pathetic idiot envious of her success.

Are you dumb? She looks like a woman. She's very feminine.

somebody post complete artist copypasta


i'm a pathetic idiot envious of james, i'll have you know

i wish i could sit on my ass for days, smoking weed and occasionally googling something for her and not having to worry about a job.

if all i gotta do is put up with her being a moody, distant fucker and cook her breakfast... thats not a bad trade. the last girl with tattoos i dated tried to kill me.

looks like girl, stop being autistic

Same. Just because she has shorter hair it doesn't mean she's androgynous. Just a girl with short hair.

my friends who aren't grimesfans had to ask me if the was a transwoman.

she has a fair bit of masculine features and her personality is an equal mix of masculine and feminine.

she's androgynous as fuck, bruh.

your obsession makes you blind

That's bullshit. She's very feminine, from her appearance to her voice. You have some issues in your brain if you believe that shit.


i don't think she looks androgynous all the time. but when she wants to she really pulls it off

>she's very feminine
No she isn't. People like you have just frustrated her beyond caring. Now instead of fighting it she just says "Whatever. If I'm cute and girly in your mind, then that's what I'll be."

I really hate the term and I think it's really fucking stupid, I can't believe I'm about to use it unironically, but "non-binary" is an apt description of Grimes.

Look at her cheekbone, then look at the other girl's cheekbone.
Grimes is androgyny, that's why she look so beautiful and unique for you.




Your argument is frankly stupid. There are lots of girls with cheekbones like Grimes. Don't try to bring Grimes's look down by saying she's androgyny. She's a girl and she looks like a girl. Period.

she is childlike, but still a girl

I can't believe there are some autists here that could confuse her with a boy. You're just trolling, right?

Now I understand why this threads are so hated. You guys are delusional. Period.

Of course he is. No other sane person would use tumblr gender buzzwords.

>she is childlike, but still a girl
nobody said she's not a girl, dumbass

>tumblr gender buzzwords
Tumblr is ridiculous.

i, for one, welcome boygrimes


I wonder how the people who refuse to accept that grimes is androgynous deal with the fact that she's almost always has a little mustache.

Any woman has facial hair. Maybe she has a little more than usual, but that doesn't make her less of a woman.

>If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Please stop the trolling.

she would probably be super annoyed with you for making this argument.

she wants to be seen as claire. not any label, but her own individual person. don't categorize her.


Just watch how easy she can go from her less feminine look to more feminine. Not every girl or boy can do this, even less people can do it without being ugly, but she looks amazing in every shot. That's what androgyny means.

stop hatin on transwomen

>she would probably be super annoyed with you for making this argument.
She would be annoyed by people making assumptions and saying shit like "she's androgynous". Some more boy-ish looks don't make her androgynous. Have some decency, people.

sorry, wrong pic, but that also good example

>If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

So you are saying that Grimes is made of wood?


would Claire disapprove of our waifuism?

Why people feel the need to say all the worst crap about Grimes? She's like this, she's like that, she's mean, she's ugly, she's androgynous, blah blah blah. I never saw a nice artist hated so much. Do you feel threatened by her existence?

I am 10 years old and this is how I express my admiration and love. Now fuck off and watch pic related.

>has said in the past that she doesn't internally identify as a girl
>has said she gives a rat's ass about gender
>has a boyish brow and cheekbones
yeah no, she's androgynous, lad. Sorry to burst your bubble but she's not the effeminate daisy you were hoping for.

>the worst crap
nigga you dumb

She made a whiney blog a while back about how she hates being "waifed"

no she just don't give fuck unlike you SJW identity politics shill.

androgyny is not a bad thing at all

Androgy is a fucking gift of gods, especially for artists like her.

gateway drug to transsexualism

thats what im saying

im not the one losing their minds because they got told their waifu is androgynous.

she probably wouldn't appreciate it. if her fame falters in the future, she'd probably secretly crave it once she went back to being a loser. she'd never admit it to anyone, though.

androgyny is great. i pity you for not knowing the joys that lie between western definitions of gender.



post your finest boyish grimes

in pics where i can't see her chimpanzee ears i get really uncomfortable :^(

me want monkey segs


her ears are very cute.

Does anyone know backstory why grimes chain tattoos are so shit?

the best ears in the game

most of them are homemade

she started it and never finished it.


why is this video so good?

>you will never get primal with claire

why live

many adrogenous people in it :^)

She's hyper-feminine and youthful-looking in her natural state (it's a Russian-Ukrainian facial bone structure + oil-rich Italian skin combo thing - something I'm very familiar with sincere it's something that we share.)
Which is why she goes so far out of her way to obfuscate/androgenize her appearance (consider how ridiculously feminine she would look if she DID actively adhere to conventional hair/makeup/wardrobe standards for feminine beauty.) Life can be a real drag when you have such an extreme natural look that everyone assumes you're a feckless child all the time - just because of how you look.

true that, i just realized that for amerigans (white :^) ) women is some sort of nordic abomination with man jaw.