Kek these are the top 10 radiohead songs according to r/radiohead

kek these are the top 10 radiohead songs according to r/radiohead

what a bunch of plebs

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>Let Down
I'll never understand why this is so popular

The Present Tense
Life in a Glasshouse
There There
Weird Fishes
A Wolf at the Door
Everything in its Right Place
The National Anthem
How to Disappear Completly

Because it's their best song

Literally nothing wrong with this list

Why are you even on Reddit in the first place, you giant fucking faggot?

Joke's on you: Radiohead is le normie music.


>Nothing off Amnesiac
>Nothing off The Bends
>comprised almost entirely of songs from Moon Shaped Pool (obviously influenced by new album hype)

>what a bunch of plebs
But you listen to Radiohead too user

Enjoy your conventional, overrated crap then.

Same here, my least favorite off OK Computer. I also don't understand why there there is so popular, it's pretty good, but not better than half the other songs on httt.

Karma Police
True Love Waits
Fake Plastic Trees
Pyramid Song
The National Anthem
Lotus Flower
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Knives Out

Kid A
Life In A Glass House
House Of Cards
Let Down
How To Disappear Completely
Black Star
15 Step
Wolf At The Door

Better than your obscure shitty crap

>nothing off the bends
>calls them plebs

I think you're the pleb desu

Anyone else think Subterranean Homesick Alien is one of their best songs? Never see anyone mention it

well Radiohead is for plebs so nothing really to see here

Definitely in my top 10, I love that opening riff so much.

No Black Star, no buys

It isn't that bad, but Decks Dark (much as I love it) is way too high, new album hype I suppose. Same goes for Daydreaming, neither are as good as Reckoner. Also, the omission of Nude causes me physical pain.

Love that song, easily a top 5 Radiohead song lyrically, sonds TAD dated though

>no The Numbers

>no Creep
Confirmed plebs.

High and Dry
Fake Plastic Trees
Let Down
Climbing Up the Walls
How to Disappear Completely
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Pyramid Song
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi

All their songs are pleb-tier though

I didn't realize how fucking great that song was until about the 15th time I listened to OKC


>planet telex fucking nowhere on this list

reddit can literally suck my dick

>my least favorite off OK Computer
Oh come on. How on earth could you like Electioneering, Fitter Happier or Airbag over Let Down?

no it really isn't

Only avant teens think The Bends is bad

The Bends is GOAT tier alt rock
It's nothing innovative but it's a classic
Fuck off

Not a bad list but Daydreaming shouldn't be anywhere near that high. It's a great song but idk if I'd even put it in my top 20 radiohead, especially not over Reckoner or Idioteque.

The rest is mostly fine. HTDC is indisputably #1, and Decks Dark despite being too high up is still top 10 material.

>1. Creep
>2-10. ????

My Iron Lung
Faithless the Wonder Boy
Paranoid Android
Spinning Plates (paino version)
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Climbing up the Walls
Last Flowers
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Stop Whispering

Came here to post this. Really not that good

That song makes me feel sick, I really don't get it.

My favourite is probably Everything in Its Right Place. The tone of it hnnng

life in a glass house is the greatest song they ever recorded

Not even top 5 on Amnesiac senpai

>Everything in its Right Place #1
Kid A and National Anthem are both much better

>Life In A Glasshouse not even present
What the fuck

>>Everything in Its Right Place #1
try again

Creep is literally their best song, not even memeing

>no myxomatosis

Oh I got mixed up

But that's even worse. It's the worst off of Kid A and maybe the worst song they released.

>literally not one single song off amnesiac

Lmfao check yourself before you wreck yourself my man.

>having two ok and one shitty song off AMSP
>not even Glass Eyes, the best radiohead track period

i really don't understand how everyone seems to think How to Disappear Completely is their best song. someone explain?

Korn was basically the original Radiohead, but the weird sound effects were mostly authentic unlike on Kid A

1. Yellow
2. Green Eyes
3. The Scientist
4. Viva la Vida
5. Fix You
6. Shiver
7. In My Place
8. The Hardest Part
9. Paradise
10. Lovers in Japan


Glass Eyes
Like Spinning Plates
Where I End and You Begin
Go to Sleep
You and Whose Army?
Kid A
Weird Fishes
Give Up the Ghost
Morning Bell
House of Cards

Probably. I mean, Radiohead is like an 8/10 band for me, so like I know them p well but I'm not like gonna deliberate on it that long

>almost entirely of songs from Moon Shaped Pool
>literally 3 songs

It's quite heart-wrenching if the circumstances are right. It's a very easy song to attach personal significance to, so many people (myself inclued) number it amongst their favourites for that reason alone. Not to mention it isn't half bad musically, and has some of Thom's best vocals. That part where the instruments fade and his voice soars over them is genuinely fantastic, truly brilliant.

>In No Order
Black Star
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Climbing Up The Walls
Where I End And You Begin
Go To Sleep
Sit Down. Stand Up
The Bends

Thom said so in an interview so it must be true

I want to like you because you like Glass Eyes but you dissed Decks Dark and Present Tense

Patrician af

this is the actual top 10 you dense fuck

Like these picks. Back drifts is a fav of mine also. Everyone seems to hate it though :(

Sorry user. Decks dark is decent, but shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list. Present tense I just don't like the inauthentic imitation Afro-Cuban rhythms. It comes across as amateur

These are good picks. inb4 pleb

Hail To The Faith is so underrated

Pyramid Song
Weird Fishes
You and Whose Army?
I Might Be Wrong
Let Down
There There

There There isn't even good, otherwise I can't be mad at this.

my list

In no order:
Present Tense
You and whose army
Weird Fishes
2 + 2 = 5 (Underrated as fuck desu senpai)
Fake Plastic Trees
Street Spirit
Exit Music

Exit Music (for a film)
Planet Telex
House of Cards
Pyramid Song
Wolf at the Door
How to Disappear Completely
National Anthem

why does everybody like idioteque so much?
I think The National Anthem is the better droney song on that album

ICE AGE COMING ICE AGE COMING is 10/10 for me. But I also love The National Anthem

their best song 2bh

In my dishonorable defense:
I must put something from Kid A to hide my powerlevel.

>no King of Limbs in either list

it's their best song honestly

also why does nobody love Motion Picture Soundtrack?

I actually agree. Great taste