Is there a more try hard and cringe worthy band out there? Also:
>Call him a creep for not reason except for he made a joke that hurt their feelings
Is there a more try hard and cringe worthy band out there? Also:
Other urls found in this thread:
Terrible people. Terrible music.
>two of us aren't white
Fucking what. I see all white people.
also this
The show I went to, the guitarist took a bathroom break in the middle of a long ambient song.
Literally was all
>ahhhhh fuck sorry guys I just really have to go
set his guitar on loop or something and bolted off stage.
When he came back, the other guitarist started to do the happy dance, and then a moment later
>crap, me too, shit
and then he left for the bathroom in the middle of the same song.
Good thing the club was small and the restroom is right next to the stage.
It was kinda funny actually.
>not bringing a mic into the bathroom
shit show, missed opportunity
One of those bands I've stopped listening to just because of their online presence and politics. I've enjoyed their records, but after them being twats online and the "Check Your Privilege Tour" a few years ago I'm done.
Middle guy and long haired beard guy?
STOP emo revival 2016
No idea who this is
>cuckservatives whining about a band because they disagree with their political views.
Right wing SJWs are so cute.
lol Derrick from TWIABP blocked me on FB because I disagreed with him that cops should kill themselves.
it's hilarious because these people are going to look back in 10~ years and realize how stupid they sounded, just like most Nazi's/white supremacists look back and think "wow I was an idiot". I'm assuming they're all in their late 20's so you'd assume they're mature enough not to say shit like "all cops should kill themselves", but I guess not. They are in an emo band after all so I can't expect them to be mature.
Maybe they're counting amplifiers as band members
I bet one of them claims 1/256 Native American ancestry and another is 'Mexican' because his great-great grandparents immigrated there from Germany
They talk so vulgar and rude, this is what happens when liberals feel empowered to do so
These aren't "good" people.
This. They might feel like they're "doing the right thing" but in reality they're just as bad as ultra right wing people. They're incredibly rude desu which isn't a very good way to get your point across
>One of those bands I've stopped listening to just because of their online presence and politics
lmao you're fucking pathetic.
holy shit this so fucking much
Sup Forums and tumblr is basically the same at this point. people guy in the last thread on Sup Forums was trying to get everyone to email their PR manager to get them to take the tweets down. bunch of god damn cry babies.
some things are broken beyond repair my dude
It's not like their music was any good otherwise kek
Reading their twitter was actually kind of shocking. There was a level of hatred and ignorance on there that would usually be a trump-fan account, or some neo-nazi type of shit.
xD ikr
I for one , am not like these extremists , I am a neutral cool dude , ha fucking right-left losers :P
sure whatever
but that doesn't matter he said he enjoyed their music.
It's not hard to separate a musicians personality from their music
Desaparecidos are pretty cringeworthy too, they literally have a song called 'the left is right', few angry at racist police in arizona. It ruined all of conor obersts music for me, which is fine because it wasn't good to start with
It concerns me that so many young adults/adults have political opinions about as educated as those of a high school student
also holy fuck is started reading TWIABP twitter, they're hilarious. Like do they not read any of the things they write? getting buttmad at having it pointed out that they're a troupe of like 15 suburban white dudes is the icing on the cake. if i liked emo all this shit would have ruined their music too
I have absolutely no idea which of these are not white. Are two of them Jewish or something, and he's saying they're not white for it? I genuinely can't see how else he could delude himself into thinking anyone in that picture isn't white.
wikipedia lists two band members as Katie and Derrick Shanholtzer-Dvorak, which I'm going to guess these kids figured was foreign?
the white guilt is so strong
i really gotta hand it to BLM for setting up this band for career suicide
its IS beautiful
I saw them on the reunion when they played all of Read Music/Speak Spanish Backsell, MariKKKopa, Anonymous and The Left is Right, was pretty good, back before the new album came out, RM/SS is best though
Going by the Wiki I'm assuming the ones named Diaz and Cyr
Most people outside Sup Forums think Slavs are white
I'm pretty sure Cyr is an English or French originated surname, even though it doesn't sound it. I don't even think going by surnames would help to narrow it down that much anyway because you're just as likely to find a white guy called Ramirez in some parts of America as a white guy called Johnson.
Maybe two of them are half-Hispanic or something. That's the only thing I could think of other than some Sup Forums-level racial grouping.
I actually loled at the original image, well done OP
Very intelligent friendo! Hooray for the middle way!
This is the only logical answer i can see here.
Make your voice heard.
fuck off you cry babie
fuck you what they tweeted to em is unacceptable
That's pretty silly tbhfam.
They may be spouting some absolutely hogwash, but they have a right to, and it seems daft to try to get them unemployed because of it (especially as this is probably only one member posting all this shite). Besides, it's funnier to just make fun of them for it.
Who's behind the twitter account?
why are you here if you get bootybothered by tweets