ITT undeniably talented vocalists whose voice you can't stand

ITT undeniably talented vocalists whose voice you can't stand

This fucker

>hating Michael McDonald

you'll turn 30 eventually

I didn't know George Lucas was a musician

kek this

Michael Haneke is a musician?

sorry/not sorry

What the hell is wrong with you


Who is the George Lucas of movies?


Ian Curtis, it just sounds like a teenager deepening his voice

just imagine that I posted a picture

Got you covered pham

Why? I don't understand.

Disagree but I understand

Guilty kek

His voice is okay when double-tracked, but on its own is just weird sounding to me.

Mariah Carey

Pretty much any singer on those shows like the voice

Tons of technical vocal ability but they all sound exactly the same.

I like his voice :^)

Robert Plant
Whoever sings for The Scorpions
Eddie Vedder


This. It's like a bunch of clones of the "perfect" singer.


god damn love his work with steely dan
those close harmonies on peg are delicious

this is about the only voice i have difficulty with.
i know this is a shame because rush is amazing i've heard and im a prog geek
how do i get into rush nevertheless anons? help