I just realized I can upload 50K songs on there and access them from anywhere around the world. Why didn't you tell me Sup Forums?
Why isn't you music library on google music play?
google pls go
>implying i leave my room
google already knows everything I type I won't let them know what I listen too
>50k songs
i'm way more autistic than that, google
>using any google services ever
you still need internet and it fucks up the cover art for some inexplicable reason
Sup Forums asked me to keep it a secret
i used to use it, it's pretty good but I prefer Spotify tbqh. It fucked up some album art (which you can change, but sometimes it would change it back) and it would sometimes change hip hop songs to the clean version (which again, you can change but it would sometimes change it back to the clean version)
Do you really have over 50k items in your music library?
Sometimes I wonder. How many of you have that many items in your library? I'm a composer actually working and I only have 10k items in mine. It's all been listened to, however (over the years of course), but 50k? I can't even see when you would have listened to it.
not that guy but I have about 50k too
really it doesn't feel like a lot, and I rarely download full discographies, there's just too many different styles to try out
I haven't listened to all of it, but probably at least 80% maybe? no idea
of course I've been ''collecting'' for about 5 years now so some of it is old, and I almost never delete anything
damn, this seems annoying as fuck. still, it's a functioning way to access my music. I actually use spotify for general listening already, but had everything else on my pc. now I can get the best of both worlds
10K is impressive user. I started producing 1.5 yeas ago I hope I reach that number someday
See I think that's just ridiculous. Why have something in there if you haven't even listened to it?
Every once in a while I'll skip through my library in shuffle and I'll remember ~90% of what comes on, on the rare occasion that I can't immediately remember then it just takes a couple more listens to kick that memory on. But to have music I've never listened to? Bollocks.
top lmao
nigga how will I listen to it if it's not in my library
Then why download it if you haven't even got the time to listen to it then and there senpai? I download shit because I want to listen to it at that moment. What, you have some sort of queue or some shit?
it's called a backlog
why would I not download something I want to listen? I have a bunch of free GB of space
"oh this looks like something I'll like, I'll download it and listen to it later''
is this so wrong?
Because it's fucking annoying as hell. The player is shit on mobile and web and it matches incorrect songs so I basically had label each song as incorrect so it would upload the original file instead and then I realized, "Why the fuck am I even doing this?"
everybody's making this seem like a shit service. damn, the idea was so promising...
Also, it would upload my songs incompletely. Sometimes parts of the beginning and/or some parts of the end were just completely truncated out. Maybe just a second or two, but still.
It didn't upload any of my mono versions correctly, they would just automatically match to their stereo counterparts.
Also it has no way of detecting when you remove anything from your library so it ended up being a fucking chore to manage.
Also after a month it still hadn't uploaded my entire library.
here's a protip: if you're uploading your entire library turn on the trial for the paid subscription and upload after that. The songs you upload won't count towards the free 50k and you can cancel right after.