STOP - I want you to STOP what you're doing and post the album you are listening to right now, no cheating!
STOP - I want you to STOP what you're doing and post the album you are listening to right now, no cheating!
pretty good
who the fuck listens to music while posting you're not going to be able to pay attention to it
fuck you plebs
finally found some good kpop desu
Black Pyramid - s/t
Vastly under-rated stoner metal band. They did go to shit after their frontman left the band but this album is great.
New Year's is too beautiful
I really need to give this a listen soon
> not listening to music while posting on a board about music
Nice thumbnail you dicknugget
Goddamnit, it's a picture for ants.
>the other art I have is 71 MB
shit picture, good album
it's Asobi Seksu - Citrus.
I know the filename is AlbumArtSmall but damn
I didn't expect it to be THAT small
Damn, this is like High on Fire if Matt Pike actually knew how to take a solo. Thanks for the rec dude
Always wanted to get into his solo stuff but haven't bothered yet, how is it
Is it worth picking up? Long time 9mm fan but never got round to buying or listening to Dawning
I love it, I'd say that it's like AIC would have gone ahead without DuVall
Very nice album, Flood IV drags on a bit though
Dude Matt Pike does great guitar solos
I think the main appeal for Black Pyramid for me is the wide range of influences that can be heard in the music, ranging from power metal and speed metal to psychedelic rock.
Nightmare on Elm Street soundtrack
Listen to it in youtube then, for a first taste. It's okay, I feel like the vocal melodies in dawning are better suited to the music than in the rest of their albums.
Holy cow I'm checking it out right now then
Mr. Bill & Fequent - Hilbert's Problems. It's a single but it's amazing and experimental, would recommend if you like glitchy stuff.
Getting ready for the concert in a couple of weeks.
Shameless self-bump to keep it alive
Nice, where are you seeing them
but hey, it's just my opinion. Listen to it and spread the word (?
Washington, D.C. - 9:30 club
Have you seen them this tour or planning to see them?
I like future days and tago mago and feel like i haven't really given this a fair chance
I haven't seen them and wasn't planning on it but I would definitely be down for it. I'll have to go look at the dates right now actually.
Am /NewEnglandFag/. Like most other great artists I want to see like, they won't be coming to my area it seems :(
That sucks man.
Very nice m8
A Metal orignal
Clicked with me last night so I've been listening to this almost all day.
Truly beautiful
Actually they did play in boston, but that was last week.
Second time today.
Getting a bit obsessed I think.
Dang, I was in VT anyway so it couldn't have happened anyway
>file name
It's not bad, but the timbre of the guitars kinda reminds me of Benji, and I don't like that
kek he actually tweeted that
first time i heard of this band
>listening to stuffy dadrock
Not listening to anything atm but finished pic related recently.
Cool album, no idea what to expect from it. Found it randomly on bandcmap
Just got off work, smoking some herb and listening to this
Commander of Fate y'all
Sleep Cycle.
Holy fuck, thanks for the rec. This is amazing
Quite cozy
also cozy
heh just found this thread.
I assumed it would be something hated by mu but I still never heard of them before
first listen of this, it's interesting. I might like it more than greed and cop
Band my brother's in
Alice Stops Time
first time in a while
I'm especially fond of all these, nice
OP here. Currently in the process of trying to check out at least one song from everything posted that I'm not already familiar with. A lot of this stuff is great, thanks all
10/10 for me
Listening to this for the first time it's pretty good. Although not as fun as their 80s stuff.
I'm in love with this album right now. It's crushing.