
how can i be invited to this absolute garbage site mate?

You don't

Do you obsess over flac?

If not get soulseek instead

sent :^)

Idk but since I got invited life been a lot easier

in soulseek can i find all that neutral milk hotel demo stuff?

invite me mate, you and all the people of what.cd
won't regret it

yes I found it that way, also search for neutral milk hotel discography on thepiratebay

soulseek actually has a lot more than What, it's just on What you download fast and FLAC is always available

sent ;)

Would if i could but you have to be a higher ranking member to invite people

I've had 2 invites at pleb rank. They just give them out without warning if you have a good ratio and an old account etc

sometimes i'm too old for this shit called technology

if you go to soulseek you will have to live with absolute garbage problems like this mate

it's easier to just use whatinterviewprep it only takes like 30 minutes to read everything and you should be able to interview and get an account within a week

it's entry level private tracker, would take you literally less than a week to get in. if you need to ask this stupid shit then you shouldn't be on a private tracker tbqh


i've never met this problem

absolute garbage private tracker mate

i do, and it seems that it doesn't have any solution

my problem with applying for what.cd has been the fucking absurdly long interview wait

5+ hour waits each time i've visited the irc
nigga i ain't got time fo dat

you probably have a firewall that blocked the ports you need you mong

i don't think so, i have a firewall exception for the app mate...

College internet?

>firewall exception for the app
>not understanding ports

i have a open port men, there has to be some problem in there!