If someone in this thread rolls trips or above I will listen to this album 70 times.
If someone in this thread rolls trips or above I will listen to this album 70 times
Other urls found in this thread:
okay have fun sweetcakes
Do you have a last.fm to prove it?
Post last.fm u fagit
Do it bitch
Jesus fuck, off by one.
He said trips or above. No dubs, only quads, quints and above duderino.
you're playing with fire, OP. It's bound to happen eventually.
how about these
Satan get
post last.fm first
good luck, it's bound to happen eventually
ITT: how to spot newfags
anyways checkem
If it happens, you can check my progress here.
pay up, OP
you will need a last fm acount or we won't believe you
Holy shit it's fucking over
>implying you're not just gonna queue it up in a music player 70 times and let it run in the background
Op has to stream it
Agh, last fm account it here:
Hooking it up to Spotify as we speak.
This will be a long process, so have patience.
Christ help me.
Download album with 30 seconds songs
Change info in iTunes to make twenty one pleb pilot
Turn down volume, go afk just leave it to play is the point
Wait about 35 minutes it shouldn't take too long
absolute garbage method mate
how and why? Seems like it will give you the fastest results.
Hi satan,'thanks for trips
Cant wait for a last.fm account of pure 21 pilots scrobbles
thanks op. will be fun to check on you
... Can I have it on when I'm asleep?
Yeah, it's actually not too bad. Decently written schitzo pop.
Getting really tired of the shit hooks repeated to infinity tho.
I listened to the album for the first time recently and it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, I would say it's like a 5/10. I really like Heavydirtysoul's chorus though.
Lmao retard
Holy shit this is actually really good
I legit think Doubt is a 6/10 song
Everything else is pretty generic and typical, though
yikes have fun
>implying you or anyone else in the thread will remember the attempt 2 hours from now
One down.
69 to go.
Whats your favorite song of the album?
because in that way you won't feel his greatness and awesomeness
I hope you like the album
Not your day is it.
Heavydirtysoul or Fairly Local.
A good chunk of it repulses me (The Judge, for example), and the back half has nothing redeemable on it, but it wasn't all that painful.
I will make an update thread every 10 or 15 listens, as this is going to take a very, very long time.
If I get trips, you have to listen to it 250 times
if trips you have to listen at 0.5x speed too
So you guys just wanna see me in pain? Is this not enough for you?
i want you to suffer
Random question, do you work at a radio station?
No, I'm a student working part time as a file clerk. Why do you ask?
why you guys do this
The phrase you used to describe it a few posts back sounded almost exactly how a friend of mine would speak, but I guess its just common vernacular
cmon come back op dont be a pussy
I'm a busy person, which means I'll have to do the listens over a long period of time.
You can follow my progress here. I've already listened to it one time.
might as well kys
Just posted this on Last.fm:
Just a bit of housekeeping:
1. Yes, I'm really doing this.
2. I don't have all the time in the word, which means that
3. I'll be listening to Blurryface 2 times a day for 35 days. Once at some point during the day, once at night. Any listens I can't complete one day will be done on the next day
4. I do not have to listen to the whole album in one sitting, but I do have to pick up where I left off so that I listen to every track exactly 70 times.
5. I will update Sup Forums every ten listens on my thoughts, or around every five days.
I've saved your page, you better do this or I'll
do absolutely nothing but feel mildly disappointed.
Don't want to be responsible for a death but rolling
I don't get it. I've seen this album posted a shit ton here. I finally tried to listen tonight, but it's honestly godawful. Is is some dank new meme like Jason Aldean? Do people actually like it?
I'm honestly curious. I'm not even trying to be a dick. If people actually like it, why? Anybody?
>I've seen this album posted a shit ton here
>but I've never bothered to read what people are actually saying about it
Literally every post involving it is talking about how shit it is, how could you miss this?
>assuming any post on Sup Forums is actually about the music