So is he right Sup Forums?
So is he right Sup Forums?
and you guys fucking respect this guy what the fuck
There is literally nothing wrong with those scores
The first Korn album is great though.
he always right
those radiohead albums deserve lower scores t͏bh f͏am
well korn s/t is actually a really decent and innovative nu-metal album, whilst ok computer is derivative pretentious crap
so he is right
Are the meme filters gone?
desu senpai famalam
he's not supposed to be respected. he was a meme to be laughed at because he was a lonely autistic old man with shit opinions but nu-Sup Forums have misinterpreted him being posted all the time as him being a credible reviewer that they should listen to. its painful to watch.
but user, he travels around the world and is a university academic, so what you said makes no sense because he probably goes outside a lot
no, Korn is a 9/10
>radiohead fans
yes. Korn is waaay more influential than Radiohead.
t͏bh f͏am
There's nothing innovative about Radiohead's music. Sorry to break it to you.
I was just asking Sup Forums
yea, radiohead is boring shit for hipsters. They have a few good songs off of kid a and amnesiac but thats it
OK Computer >>> Korn (1994) > Kid A
ok computer is rated way too highly
Yes, Korns debut album is a masterpiece. You can hate them all you want but that album is great
Yeah, but Issues is better.