What's some good Sup Forums related artwork to put on the wall. I'm looking for something cool on the wall, preferably non-meme and black and white.
What's some good Sup Forums related artwork to put on the wall. I'm looking for something cool on the wall...
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don't know about memes but I have some black and white stuff
I'll just dump for a bit, I don't want to work anyways
Always loved this album cover
Will post what I have
anyone lurking? I have a few more b/w and some more others
If people are interested, I'll keep going after that
I'm loving them, keep it up.
I have a few b/w left but I think I'll just open it up to requests
i dont like this album, but I'd love this on a shirt
Paranoid, Sunn O))), and Death pls
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs, Burial, Kendrick, Takk... Aegutis Byrjun and Valtari
Avalanches and Wu-Tang please
I'd like some interesting radiohead wallpapers
Cheers for this one
music that you listen to
I'll also share whatever
no way to nicely take a picture, but I have anything in pastebin.com