Favorite band

>Favorite band
>Favorite drug/vice



whoahohooh look at you

>Death Grips
>LSD and analogs


>Bob Dylan

Sigur Ros
Herbal tea

>Black Sabbath


>Favorite bands are for fags

ITT: Degenerates

My Bloody Valentine

>Eating an entire pie/cake while masturbating

Death Grips
Jackin it

>Sonic Youth


death grips

> Pixies
> Dank kush

>Cocteau Twins (my number 1 band since christmas)
>I drink way to much.

Feel. You like their new single? I fucking love it so much, so pumped for new album.

woah there

>Blonde Redhead
>salted caramel anything, salted caramel on this dick, salted caramel on your dick

>Drugs are for degenerate people

>heroin-using degenerate likes a shit band

I'm not surprised at all

>I don't drugs

>acid bath/dax riggs

i'm a fuqn caricature

>big black

You can't make this shit up


>Hella I guess
>weed and acid

Taylor Swift
Ice Cream

>Boards of Canada



>Listens to trippy music
>doesn't do drugs

edge, the post

Pink floyd
Wank and beer

stoners can be annoying, but people who hate them somehow manage to be more annoying

David Bowie

>Alcohol (not in a sad way)

>Animal Collective


>>Alcohol (not in a sad way)

You sure?

I was tripping for the 2nd time about to press play on some deathgrips through my headphones and my friend fired off a firework next to my head in that little delay after I pressed play before the song kicked in. Also playing smash brothers on lsd listening to DGrips felt like the perfect place for them, although I'm pretty sure that's coke.


kek, yeah i've never drank alone (or even gotten the urge to) and i don't even drink every week. I've only tried weed and alcohol and honestly I like being drunk way more than being high since I can get anxiety and paranoia from weed

This is true for almost everything.

>Alcohol (ABSOLUTELY in a sad way)

Just admit you're one of us, brother.

>Less Than Jake

but not at the same time

Coke or alcohol, not really sure

woah, same

>anxiety and paranoia from weed
fuck, right? weed's a killer for me socially

>tfw trying to find ketamine, mescaline, morphine, or anything that isn't molly and coke in [spoiler]Miami[/spoiler]
fucking kill me, drugs suck here

The stoner is a faggot, but Ozymandias doesn't like Morrowind. That's a crippling personality flaw.

>fuck, right? weed's a killer for me socially
yeah, I mean I don't always get it, I've had a lot of fun on weed, but I've also had some of the worst nights of my life. When the anxiety/paranoia hits you it's awful. You just want it to end, and you have to act completely normal cause you're with other people, it can really suck. Meanwhile alcohol only gets bad when you drink WAY to much and that's because you physically feel like shit, nothing psychological

weed is something i can only smoke around really close friends
i get too withdrawn and worry about saying stupid shit around people i dont know too well

I mean maybe he couldn't get past the trash combat system

>stand there saying nothing for like two hours while high
oh well

Snowing n jerking o;ff


I like english bitter cider from time to time. dont drink much or take any other drugs (never tried anything either)

pic related

Morrowind is the patrician choice for tes games

is cocaine worth it

Anyone know any decent ecstasy dealers in south Wales or so? I had three sources, one disappeared, one killed himself, and the other one just stopped or something.
I assumed it would be piss easy to find another one but I'm having trouble, and I'm being dragged along to Boomtown festival soon so I sort of need to get my shit together.

I'm afraid to tell Sup Forums I love Cocteau Twins because I think they'll call me a faggot

>Taking Heads
>sex addiction


Sup Forums will tell you you're a faggot whatever you post, faggot.

Alcohol when it's dark
Weed and coffee when it's light


He is.

t. degenerate weed smokers

>Cap'n Jazz


Talking Heads - any and all amphetamines

Working for a Nuclear Free City
dude weed lmao

the beach boys


I didn't realize it was 1650 you fucking plebiscite

Not surprising

>The Mars Volta
>weed/alcohol/jerking off/Sup Forums


>I don't have a favorite band
>xanax, alcohol and weed

absolute garbage band mate

>Kishi Bashi
>Shrooms & Getting fucked up in general

>woah, same
>woah death grips fans are edgy

>alcohol, cigarettes, and adderall, in that order



>drugs are automatically edgy
How's life being 14?

staying up too late and sleeping in

The Young Tradition
Beer isn't really a drug, but beer I guess.

>Earl Sweatshirt

>The bottle (alcohol)

>Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Xiu Xiu

never heard of this combo before

Duran Duran

>The Mars Volta
>premarital sex


Black Tea

>Macintosh Plus

>sweet trip

underage ban
