What THe Fuck...
What THe Fuck
easily AOTY, possibly even AOTD
anyone who disagrees needs to get the fuck off Sup Forums and back 2 reddit.
it's marcel-core bro you don't get it
it's pretty great but AOTD? nah
James is the artist of our generation
I personally prefer FSV, NYC Hell 3AM, iAsia, Last American Hero, and Skid Row to this one though
James is a faggot!!!
Explain why this is good but only talkimg aboit the music itself
there's nothing to explain. you either have patrician taste or you don't.
it's well composed and it sounds pretty
it's boring and meanders too much. this album is directionless
Sounds like a soundtrack to a childrens movie from the early 2000's excluding the chick that speaks here and there.
What whacky music will he make next
James Ferraro must be taking the piss
sorry i don't listen to vaporwave
i could just listen to a steve reich album instead, without the post-ironic starbucks hipster mentality and midi instruments found here
>meanders too much
Really the only reason this album isn't my AOTYSF. He had some brilliant ideas sprinkled throughout, but every time he hits something substantial he switches to a completely different conceptual space, and usually one that's just a step back to FSV. If he focused on and elucidated those choral and neoclassical themes this could've likely been AOTY
It's Reich-ian repetition with Zappa's theatrics and ornamental advertisement sampling. It has potential, and also potential for self-indulgence. Ferraro is of the "prolific" breed, like John Zorn.
I love this album but I'm surprised that anyone else would.
really? there are a lot of ferraro dickwriters here
I just assume it's one person posting it ironically.
yeah there are definitely one or two people who spam him to try and make him and his fans look bad or like a meme, but plenty of people legitimately like him. also lol at me
of course Sup Forums doesn't understand it
everyone here was born in 2000
it sounds like the background music from the sims except with talking
so bad
It's a solid album. Easily 6/10 at least
Sup Forums has a huge boner for ferraro, are you kidding
everyone is underage! MODS!!!
>but only talkimg aboit the music itself
This isn't 1899 grandpa, rock music is inherently postmodern, this is whatever comes after