Any stories about meet famous artists?

Have any of you guys and girls met a famous artist (or any) before.
I don't really have any that cool. But I did remember seeing Ride buying fruit loops. But didn't say anything.

I am Sufjan Stevens.
Ask me anything

Macklemore signed my shoe and gave me a hug when I was 15

you're no stefan burnett. your name's are similar, but you ain't fooling me.

Got any questions?


get out of here, you greaseball bastard.

I saw MC Ride at a grocery store in Sacramento yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

prove it

can you take a picture of yourself right now?

Your a dic


oh god...I didn't want to tell this story but here it goes:

it was 2013 and CHVRCHES first record had just dropped. i instantly fell in love with it after the first listen. i knew i just had to see them live so I went to their first concert in my area. i went alone since all of my friends only listen to metal. i had a real blast and sang along to all the songs. after the concert was over Iain and Martin invited me and a couple of other guys back stage. Lauren was back there, and at first she was really aloof and quiet. as time went on she got more and more talkative. she used a lot of curse words, which really took me by surprise but otherwise I thought she was lovely. she seemed weirdly obsessed and focused on me even though there were 4 other guys invited back stage. eventially it was time for everyone to go home and Lauren offered me a ride in her car. of course i said yes. she said she wanted to stop by her hotel really quickly to change her tampon on the way to my apartment, i was surprised by her bluntness. she told me to come inside the hotel with her because she felt rude leaving me in the car alone. we went inside the hotel room and i waited for her as she went straight to the bathroom. she spent like 30 minutes inside the bathroom and at one point while she was inside she screamed really loudly. i thought the whole thing was pretty weird but actually I never had a girlfriend before so I didn't know if this was typical for girls on their period or not. after she got out of the bathroom she offered me a glass of wine. I accepted, and the next thing I know I was in the alley way with bite marks all over my body. my dick felt really sore. it took me weeks to process what happened. i never thought I'd share this story with anyone but I just had to finally let it off my chest. do not support Lauren or her music anymore please.

can you take a picture with a slip of paper that has the date on it?

Has anyone here actually had sex with a famous musician?

sounds about right

i once had sex with miley cyrus

I had sex with grimes before she was famous. Not even joking


eh seems legit


mc ride raped me once

I have a story that's kinda like that...

What was your reaction to stalker being released to the public?

It would have been found and uploaded regardless of what.

nice copypasta

My ex-girlfriend fucked Hunter Hunt Hendrix last year after meeting him at an art show in New York.
She told me that after they were finished he jumped out of her bed and literally said "the fun is not over yet" and ran to his car and brought back a bunch of geometric graphs and made up statistics charts and kept her up all night talking about ancient people and conspiracy theories.
It's really strange in hindsight because everyone tells me I look like him..

Yeah, well kind of. I work for a venue that does concerts and one time Wilco was performing there. After they were all set up, I sneaked on stage and jerked off while holding Jeff Tweedy's guitar.

Talked to Lou Barlow who told me Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper was his AOTYSF back when I saw Sebadoh

What a creep

i stopped stefan on the street and challenged him to a game of rock paper scissors and beat him, thanked him for playing and went about my day


Did u release stalker on porpoise

I accidentally insulted Maria Brink to her face....... So it turns out one of my friend is together with her sister and he was like "hey im having a party for our daughters birthday you should come and hang out" so i went hung out started talking to this chick about music (im a huge metalhead) she asked my opinion of In This Moment. I answered honestly. I said "I think Marias voice is okay not great but the music backing her up is kind of shit" she sits back and says "Yeah its not for everyone" my bud walks over to me after i walk away and said "That was Maria Brink" i felt like a dick haha

You're contributing nothing to this thread but just posting a shitty screenshot.
Fuck you. Nobody likes you. My new album is never going to happen.

helloo there mr stevens, good music champion, i like it.

the more happy you get when seeing mc ride, more pathetic life you have

I sexed Bowie in 81

I met Chelsea Wolfe after a show. She was so soft spoken and the music was loud so I couldn't hear a lot of what she was saying. She grabbed the bars she was standing behind and exclaimed "I'm in jail!" That was weird, but the way she did it told me that that's just the way her brain works.

I was a bit star struck, so I just said that I was a huge fan and that I was "bad at this," and she thanked me for coming and for coming up to her anyway. I quickly asked for a photo and I was on my way.

In other words, Chelsea is very shy but also nice, and a bit eccentric as well.

Can you please elaborate as to why?

I went to a Youth Code show and Kerry McCoy from Deafheaven was in the crowd. He was talking to this girl and started getting really close and tried to kiss her. She started laughing and pushed away. I swear I saw him start to tear up a little.

So I guess I didn't meet him, but that was pretty funny, although I did feel a little bad.

did you write that with your disgusting feet?

in the early 90s I worked as a music technician in Seattle and Courtney Love blew me a kiss. As an 18-year old kid working his first job I was really excited but fuck dude... Courtney Love....she's a gross cunt

i've met and played with some pretty famous jazz musicians, one time i played on stage with bootsy collins and i subbed for bakithi kumalo for a rehearsal once so i got to play with paul simon.

that's awesome. what was playing with paul like?

>at a death grips concert
>see drunk anthony fantano pulling out some sick dance moves
>go talk to him
>he ignores me
>as he's going to the bar to get another drink he slaps my gf's ass

I met Will Toledo and the rest of the guys from Car Seat Headrest. He's really tall and pretty soft spoken. He signed my album and took a pic with me and a friend. Cool dude.

met Bradford Cox one time, really great guy who is fun to talk to

eh, frankly it was nothing special musically, it was just cool to think like damn, im playing graceland with paul simon. full chub on the famous/pinch me scale and a quarter chub on the musicality scale, the musicians in his band are pretty amazing and have a good command of different styles. I've played with some other people that were much much better musicians and I've met people who were more famous.

>I had sex with grimes before she was famous. Not even joking
i know you're trolling because anyone who actually fucked her and would admit it here would already be gloating in the billions of grimes threads nonstop about it


nah, but I knew a Mark when i worked up there. I moved out of Seattle when it wasn't cool anymore.


Make Texas

I me Michael Gira and the rest of the guys excluding Norman and Thor a couple hours after a show in an alley where their bus was.
It was just me and three friends and they were all honestly very kind and humorous. Christoph was giving my buddy's little brother the hardest time ever, asking him all kinds of awkward questions.. Michael was really cool but smelled like shit.

Shook this motherfuck's hand, he was super down to earth despite being who he was.The handshake hurt like hell because had so many rings on.

i forgot! im on Sup Forums, i met Brian Wilson backstage once when i opened for the old fuck version of the beach boys, that was cool.

I opened for LSD and the Search For God

>tfw talked to the bassist after the show and he was super coked up

I've met Chuck D, Avey Tare, Victor Wooten, Garbage and Guthrie Govan what ya' got?

A friend's band toured with AJJ a few years ago and when they stopped in town they all stayed at my place and. Sean slept on the floor of my roommate and I's room and we watched King of the Hill

i talked to Frances Mckee (Vaselines) last year at the merch table before their set. had no idea what to say
Talked to Curt Kirkwood (Meat puppets) after their set back in 2013. i was gushing, they played so great, and he was just like "cool kid..."

Got to meet everyone from Sound of Ceres. Karen was very sweet. I talked to Ryan about The Beach Boys and he told me about how Hidden Lands was inspired by Pet Sounds. Derrick was kind of awkward but polite nonetheless. I also met David Thomas of Pere Ubu. Shook his hand and thanked him for great show.

I talked to Bob Weston after a show last year. He was totally down-to-earth, totally approachable, totally friendly. He told me about how Shellac writes songs, then gave me a very firm handshake.

Looks like Grimes went FtM

I smoked a joint with Fiona Apple once, The bitch is insane

Iceage slept on the floor of mine and some friends house a few years ago. They were pretty much your regular, friendly guys, Johan wanted to help us do some dishes and Elias asked if it was OK to smoke indoors while i had a cigarette in my mouth, i jokingly said no and he laughed and lit one.

This was before Plowing though, before their whole super narcissism thing

Had some other smaller bands as well, some of whom have been absolute shitheads

opened this thread specifically to find this lol

What is the future of music? Realistically speaking, 10 to 20 years.

my dad met Neon Indian thats about it

I got hammered on my 19th birthday and took a pic with kitty pryde

I talked to George Clarke and Kerry McCoy from Deafheaven a few days go. Also asked Kerry if he was writing new music for Deafheaven already and he said he was onto something, but didn't know which direction he would take. In the case of George, I just asked how he was doing and if my friends and I could take a picture with him, to which he agreed. He was taller than what I imagined, as I'm 6'1.
Also talked to Jack Tatum from Wild Nothing last year. Friendly guy.

Cool of you to keep your door open for some bands though, they'd probably be acting like a shithead somewhere else.

Absolutely majestic

At what moment you were convensed that you had made it and what was it simply that had happened?

I awkwardly asked Will Toledo for a picture during his live show the previous Saturday it lasted about a minute I got a picture and it was cool to see him in person

not during, after

Also I didnt even see the show, I was late and I saw him walkingout as I enterd the place where the stage was set

pic pls?

I had sex with her after her concert at a small venue here in LA.

No you didnt, stop lying you dumb slut

yes well didnt we a,lll

I met Steven Wilson and the guys from Ghost. I also got Dave Mustaine to roll his eyes at me

Heard she was a sperg

not me but a good friend was camping at our city folk festival and Shakey Graves wandered to their campsite, got drunk with them, missed the performers bus, and spent the night drinking and singing with them.

Maybe he's not the biggest musician but he's massive here.

Taylor Swift looks better with make up :/

probably fake but thanks for Carrie and Lowell. I'd never heard your music before that album and I have a lot of issues with my parents, and idk, it really gave me the chance to let out all the emotions I'd been holding up over the years. If it's you Mr. Stevens, thank you. I've since gotten really into your discography and I'm a big fan.

I probably look like a huge fucking faggot right now, but I don't care if it's fake or not.

his feet are beautiful you asshole
sufjan if you see this you can jerk me off with your feet any day

I met efrim before a gybe show
just shook his hand and told him how much his music has ment to me
he was really nice and seemed to enjoy hearing a fan who loved the music

What's Guthrie like?

I welcomed De La Soul and their manager at a minor city in France and had to escort them to a small ass rural village in a rather old french white van. They felt ridiculed and refused to ride in the shitty van. I thought it was hilarious, they seemed so out of place. In the end there was no other transportation so they got in the car anyway and I'll never forget the look on their face, it was like they were being arrested

I was thrown out by Måns Zelmerlöw (Last years eurovision winner) during his afterparty four years ago.

This legitimately sounds like something HHH would do

where was it, why did he throw you out?

i lol'd

Eh :^)
Good question. No real idea to be honest. But too god I hope to even be around (Or relevant) in 10-20 years.
Sup Forums and collage students.
(And when I made that one album based on Bob Dylan)
Very flattering. Thank you.

An old friend of mine went to like every Circa Survive show in our area throughout their time as a band. She hung out and talked with all the band members and basically became friends with them. She was 15, though none of that BOTDF shit going on, they were totally cool with her and were real nice guys.
I wanted to make it to a show, but at the time, my parents wouldn't let me go. My friend went and after had Anthony call, but I didn't have my phone so it went to voicemail. I can say though Circa Survive are total bros.

Not really big artists but
I met Yung Lean, Bladee, and Sherm

I also met Xavier Wulf and Slug Christ.

Bladee is as awkward as you'd believe, lean was cool, and sherm was kinda fucked up.

Wulf was down to earth as fuck, talked to everyone at the venue at the end.

Slug Christ just got to the venue, so I left the moshpit and talked to him some. He asked what song I wanted, I told "I'm The Ocean"
He was on like 10 xanax, but cool experience

Father John Misty ate at my restaurant one time. Seemed like a nice enough dude.

It was in Båstad. He threw me for different reasons:
1. Me and my fiend we dressed really trashy. We had been skating and drinking beer all day. We only happened to get there because we met another friend who were on his way there.

2. We were both really piss drunk

3. Another friends douchebag sister that really hated me at the time also told him I was underage (17 at the time) and that he should avoid a scandal.

The worst of all was that I knew 70% of the people there. He was only a guest celeb hosting a party where I live.

quality pasta

I saw Michael Jackson in a Las Vegas Barnes & Noble in the summer of 2007. People were crowding around the windows outside shouting his name and we went to see what was up. He was wearing a black coat in summer, the signature shades and his fedora. He slipped out the back and his car came round the side and he lowered the window slightly and waved and gave the peace sign to everyone.

I met Johnny Marr at a Sonic Youth gig. It was going well, he was a really nice guy - asking all about my music taste (he was delighted when I mentioned Scott Walker), whether I played etc. Then, in passing, I mentioned Morrissey. He said "I don't give a fuck what Morrissey thinks" and turned back to his mate.