
Favorite anco album(s)?
My top 5 are
>Sung Tongs
>Strawberry Jam
>Merriweather Post Pavilion
In no particular order

Mine are Hollinndagain, STGSTV, Here Comes The Indian, Feels, and Sung Tongs

Ive recently gotten into live anco bootlegs and they're so good

Strawberry Jame

In that order.

Sung Tongs and MPP are also fantastic, don't get me wrong.

Danse Manatee
Merriweather Post Pavillion

I don't like anything else this band has released

>Ive recently gotten into live anco bootlegs and they're so good
I love AnCo, and I'd see them live, but I've never heard anything live bootleg of theirs that wasn't absolute shit.

1. Feels
2. Sung Tongs
4. Spirit
5. MPP

sung tongs

Where's SJ?

you prolly haven't looked hard enough

1. Feels
2. Strawberry Jam
5. MPP
6. Sung Tongs
7. Campfire Songs
8. Danse Manatee
9. Hollinndagain
10. CHz

1. Water Curses
2. Fall Be Kind
3. People
4. Prospect Hummer
11. PW

Top tier:
>Centipede Hz
>Danse Manatee
>Here Comes the Indian

Mid tier:
>Campfire Songs
>Strawberry Jam

Low tier:
>Painting With
>Sung Tongs

What are your favorite anco songs?

>Animal Crack Box not at the very top of the list.


this is a meme

>hey guys look how contrarian I am

there's too many of them man
but as of lately i've fawning over mouth wooed her, grass, chocolate girl, and tikwid

>i've heard great stuff
>well i haven't
>well you haven't looked

Great job. You've convinced me.


Alvin Row
April and the Phantom
Who Could Win a Rabbit
Kids on Vacation
Purple Bottle

i like it a lot but not enough to be in my top 5. SJ is probably an 8 for me.

good taste fellas

Banshee Beat 4evar

1 Merriweather
2 Here Comes the Indian
3 Spirit
4 Oddsac
5 Painting With
>inb4 PW triggers someone

i liked PW a lot. i will never understand the hate it gets. its better than CHz and DM at least

The one where Avey sympathizes with a retard.

Banshee Beat
Also Frightened
Winter's Love
Summertime Clothes
April and the Phantom
Alvin Row
Hey Light
Forest Gospel

that one

>Campfire Songs
>Strawberry Jam
Religiously listened to anco a lot on psychedelics and opioids

It's definitely better than those. I think CHz is by far their weakest release. Still enjoyable, just their worst.

I meant Feels not Grass. Fucking alcohol

My favorite AnCo album is Ecailles de Lune.

1. Feels
2. Campfire Songs
3. Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
4. Here Comes the Indian
6. Prospect Hummer
7. Transverse Temporal Gyrus
8. Merriweather Post Pavilion
9. Fall Be Kind
10. Water Curses
11. Sung Tongs
12. Strawberry Jam
13. People
14. Hollinndagain
15. 9:30
16. Danse Manatee
17. Keep
>Underwhelming at best
18. Centipede Hz
19. Painting With
20. Monkey Been to Burntown

fireworks, grass, banshee beat, kids on holiday

1. CHz
2. Strawberry Jam
3. MPP
4. FBK
5. Prospect Hummer

Not Ordered


all ranked:
Sung Tongs
Strawberry Jam
Danse Manatee
Painting With
Campfire Songs
Meet the Light Child, Lablakely Dress, Pride and Fight, Winters Love, Visiting Friends, Mouth Wooed Her, Brother Sport, The Burglars
that is pretty odd, why not

>The Burglars

cuckoo cuckoo
in the flowers
happy singing band
the purple bottle
daily routine
i remember learning how to dive

>not liking The Burglars

In order (or not, really):

1. Strawberry Jam: their most consistent, varied and compositionally experimental release. Holds special value in my heart. One of the very few albums on which I like all of the tracks.
2. Centipede Hz: their second worst by far, but it's unique. Very quirky, stupid, the literal definition of spork-core, but it's so dense and flashy I can't help but love it.
3. STGSTV: the drums are perfect. Love all of the noises and shit.


1. Painting With: I disliked it at first, then I grew to love it - just to dislike it again. How could they make a song like Spilling Guts? I know what they went after, but come on. I like three or four songs on it...
2. Centipede Hz: ditto. It's a love/hate thing.
3. Danse Manatee. I will have to choose it because I like all of the other albums enough, but DM has the most filter and not enough "listening value".

Best EP: Fall Be Kind.

>That Low

>Campfire Songs
>Sung Tongs
>Here Comes the Indian

Campfire Songs is the best, the rest in no particular order.

pretty terrible taste imo but then again to each their own

>Feels below Painting With
>Feels second worst
Lol I'm going to fucking kill you.

it's their generic rock album fampai
even the songs people seem to love off of it aren't very special, Loch Raven, Bees, and Turn Into Something are by far the best on the album
also, Painting With was very good

>insult anco album
>everybody is ok with it
>criticize feels
>everybody gets mad


FBK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other EP

you are a contrarian
because it's the album with the most feels attached to it

it's because it's insanely overrated for god knows what reason
I put STGSTV, MPP and SJ towards the top, that's the opposite of contrarian

i'm talking about the fact that you dislike it because it's "their generic rock album" and you listed arguably one of the two worst songs on the album as its best

>terrible taste
says the user who rates the album that opens with 6 minutes of unchanging high-frequency noise

I never said I didn't have terrible taste now did I

How the fuck can you call it generic? It's their most interesting work on a sonic level, probably their best work in that area alone, and the whole album just creates these strange, beautiful pictures through emotion and sound. It's definitely their most mature work on all levels, sound and composition. You are right, though, that the second half rivals the first. The way I see it is they're great for different reasons. Sometimes I'll put it on just expecting to listen to the first half, but the second half will draw me in, and it's a hugely rewarding, sublime experience. Whatever, if you think their best album is shit and think Painting With is very good, then I'm just wasting my time arguing with you because I'm so far above you when it comes to my perception of music that you can't even enjoy Animal Collective's masterwork. You must also think It's My Life is better than Laughing Stock. I should feel sorry for you since you're deprived and musically retarded, but I just hope you have bad stuff happen to you.

I got quads so I'm pretty sure I'm correct m8
that's one of the best songs on the album though

nice repeating digits
im guessing the reason why feel's so popular is the subject matter, love, breaking up, da feEEELS, things that people can relate to easily

well usually you don't say someone has terrible taste unless you think yours isn't, but i forgot i'm on a board with a bunch of kids

can't argue with digits i suppose

I'm flattered you baked some new pasta for me user, but it doesn't change the fact that Feels is the one album that explores absolutely nothing unique
probably, I wouldn't know because I don't give two shits about the lyrics in most music and anco is generally no exception

jeez dude go take an advil

Not the guy you're butthurt over, but thanks for the fresh pasta m9

>it's because it's insanely overrated for god knows what reason
No, it's just because it's actually really phenomenal, but in such away where certain Animal Collective fans - those on a lower plane of understanding when it comes to music - can't see it, and it flies over their heads. I know it sounds pretentious, but there's no other way for me to put it. I wouldn't say something that sounds pretentious if it weren't true. The way I see it if you don't like Feels you're just deprived.

>i dont give two shits about the lyrics in most music
y tho

well dude your shitposting about a band on an elitist music board on Sup Forums so if your doing that with your life I wouldn't really care about kids

settle down and chill

chocolate girl
prospect hummer
leaf house
banshee beat

junes-core anco songs

I agree with you but dude relax

also thanks for the fresh pasta

i'm literally lying down w/ a fan blasting in my face so i'd say i'm pretty settled and chill :)

You don't understand what makes Animal Collevtive a good band, end of story.

No, it's just because it's actually really phenomenal, but in such away where certain Animal Collective fans - those on a lower plane of understanding when it comes to music - can't see it, and it flies over their heads. I know it sounds pretentious, but there's no other way for me to put it. I wouldn't say something that sounds pretentious if it weren't true. The way I see it if you don't like Hollinndagain you're just deprived.
when I listen to music I have to actively pay attention to lyrics and that's annoying
I'd rather just listen to the sound itself rather than try and use the language center in my brain the whole time or some shit

absolute garbage opinions mate

that's good man


Chocolate Girl, La Rapet, Alvin Row
>Danse Manatee
Essplode, Ahhh Good Country, In the Singing Box
>Campfire Songs
Queen in My Pictures, Doggy, De Soto De Son
>Here Comes the Indian
Native Belle, Infant Dressing Table, Slippi
>Sung Tongs
Leaf House, The Softest Voice, Winters Love
Did You See the Words, Banshee Beat, Turn into Something
>Strawberry Jam
Peacebone, Fireworks, Cuckoo Cuckoo, (bonus: Safer)
>Merriweather Post Pavilion
In the Flowers, Also Frightened, No More Runnin'
>Centipede HZ
Today's Supernatural, Applesauce, Monkey Riches
>Painting With
Vertical, On Delay, Golden Gal
Tikwid, Water Curses, What Would I Want? Sky

that makes sense i guess
alot of the appeal of anco (atleast for me) is the lyrics and the sounds, how they interplay and mesh together, creating these landscapes and emotions that flow along with the song
i'm the opposite now that i think about it, i have to really focus on the song and every element in it instead of letting it play in the background or i cant get into it

>No, it's just because it's actually really phenomenal, but in such away where certain Animal Collective fans - those on a lower plane of understanding when it comes to music - can't see it, and it flies over their heads. I know it sounds pretentious, but there's no other way for me to put it. I wouldn't say something that sounds pretentious if it weren't true. The way I see it if you don't like Hollinndagain you're just deprived.
Lol I actually think that's kind of true, but not as much as it is with Feels. Plus, on Hollinndagain they were still chiseling away at their sound, which they did for several albums until they reached Feels, where the completely mastered their early approach to music. That's why they had to go pop with Strawberry Jam; There was nowhere else for them to go after Feels. Another thing, I think Here Comes the Indian is where they really pulled off what I think Hollinndagain was going for. I think that Here Comes the Indian and Feels are their two technical best albums. Kind of like Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock. I'd take either one for an answer.

Why is Golden Gal so overrated, /anco/?

because it's the most accessible song and apparently there are people who still don't get the genius of songs like The Burglars and Lying in the Grass

I dunno. Probably because it's a great song.

The Burglars is great but you're trying to hard in citing Lying In the Grass. You've probably just heard other people talk about how it's good, but I doubt you like it.

nah, I hated it when I heard the snippet from the amazon leak but when the full single came out it grew on me very quickly. it's genuinely in the top five songs on the album.

Has anyone else fallen in love with Vertical off Painting With? I can't get enough of it

Lying in the grass really is one of the best on the record though

Yeah, it's one of the more catchy and clever songs on the record. In terms of underrated tracks I really love spilling guts, summing the wretch, and recycling as well

If you don't think the groove on lying in the grass is stanky af I feel bad for you

I think you're confusing being original with having shit taste. It's a terrible song, no matter what band it came from.
Honestly, it's my favorite song on the album. That and Burglars are the most satisfying tracks on there.
I just feel like I'm in special ed when I listen to it, and most of Painting With really.

>he can't into Lying in the Grass
s.mh t.bh fàm

>feel like I'm in special ed
Oh so you're just insecure. Got it.

Lol try listening to Lying In the Grass for twelve hours and then tell your friends how much you love Lying In the Grass and then see how you feel when they look it up and listen to it.

>lol try listening to x song for twelve hours and it'll get annoying
no shit

Okay, just play that song for them and see how they act with you afterwards.

>your average person can't appreciate anything outside of a very specific range of music
no shit
also basing what you judge as good or bad off of that is the most retarded thing you could do

My friends like Painting With a lot. It's not our fault you have shit social skills and can only befriend retards.

Yeah, but I still know how I feel when listening to it. Also, I feel totally comfortable with telling people I like Here Comes the Indian and then have them be like, "Woah, this dude's insane," but not the way Painting With implies. This is the first point where I actually don't feel comfortable telling people that Animal Collective are my favorite band, 'cause I can't have people look them up and hear Floridada and be like, "...oh."
>It's not our fault you have shit social skills and can only befriend retards.
Lol you're the one who's friends like Painting With.

2. MPP
3. Feels
4. SJ
5. CHz

alvin row
summertime clothes
kids on holiday
cuckoo cuckoo
hey light

i like PW a lot too

>Sung Tongs
>Campfire Songs
>Painting With

1. Painting With
2. Centipede Hz
3. Danse Manatee
4. Hollinndagain
5. Strawberry Jam

>It's a meme written with another meme in response to your meme opinion
That'll show 'em user

You're so fucking stupid. You actually let others dictate your taste. Music isn't a fashion statement you shallow fuck.

I don't, I'm just saying if I really liked Painting With that much I wouldn't want to let other people know. For the most part, I feel totally fine with people thinking I'm crazy for liking what I like, but I guess that's just because I like it. I still don't think there are many people to whom I'd admit to liking Buyer's Market, and I think that's a great album, so there's that.
