One of these threads

one of these threads


Move bottomless pit to pleb and exmil to contrarian.

Why is Jenny Death in plebian? Is it to do with the quality of the album or just the plebbyness of the 'Jenny Death when' meme?

Bottomless Pit is plebian (not knocking it though I liked it) and Government Plates is contrarian as F U CK.

Just didn't like it. I prefer DG more electronically infused than noise/punk.

That's the exact reason I love it so much aha, probably my favourite DG album

would elseq be contrarian?

absolute garbage opinions mate

How is NLDW contrarian? It's legitimately their best

absolute garbage b8 mate

That's not what plebian means

>Move bottomless pit to pleb and exmil to contrarian.


Beatles post-Rubber Soul

the Beatles are the most pleb band around

take your shit opinion back to red.dit you twelvie cunt.

desu every album but pepper is pretty great

NLDW isn't contrarian

Bro you are so patrician!

I can't sit through The White album without getting bored. I can still listen to Pepper but only on psychedelics

any deerhoof with the magic on it?


>a Beatles fan telling me to go to reddit

>not recognizing how influential the Beatles are
>not realizing the creativity that came through the group post- Rubber Soul is paramount to none
s.m.h family this place gets more of (you) each time I come


Are you kidding?
Exmilitary is far and above my favorite of theirs

that's fair. I feel white has the lowest valleys but the highest peaks

good answer now do first era swans


not making a chart because lazy, from top to bottom with bottom being pleb, middle being cont. top being pat but i do agree White has some of my favorite songs from that time.
>Cop/Young God EP
>Public Castration


this is 1st and second era swans yo

my chart is literally the opposite of yours lmao

Death grips is one of the only groups where no one in their fanbase can agree on the best albums. All of them sound very distinct. Its like saying which album is better? Illmatic or Kid A?
You cant compare the two and you shouldnt really try to compare DG albums.

yeah just did the whole thing


I guess I'm partial to the no-wave oriented albums a bit more than their first few gothic rock albums.

your shit taste doesn't dictate where each album should actually fall

Theyre good its just people dont focus enough on their other stuff

I agree, I've just got an odd relationship with COG. Did acid for my first time listening to it forever ago and it just gives me a weird feeling when I hear it starting. Plus I don't really love Jarboe on it.

>bottomless pit
>death grips' most accessible release
out of here



this this this


The Money Store is more accessible

swap GP with NLDW and we're gucci

>Long Drive

You're the pleb here friend


But every The White Stripes album is plebeian

I know Various Failures isn't studio but it's so fucking good it should be patrician


delet this

Everything past Elephant is



All of their before Little Creatures are fucking amazing, but I'd swap RIL and '77. God damn everyone knows Remain in Light, it's their first few albums that don't get enough appreciation. (also, Fear of Music is their best album)

Everyone knows about Remain in Light because it was so good. I think it deserves its spot. That being said I love everything they've done and making that one was hard because I still love '77. Who hasn't heard Psycho Killer though?

lol NLDW should be in patrician, GP should be in contrarian, BP should be in plebeian

Shit opinions

Move Untilted to the right and LP5 to the left and this is pretty good

> Resistance :Contrarian
nigga that shit won a grammy


>Fear of Music is their best album
Good taste

I've liked Showbiz best for years but never stopped to think that it might be contrarian lol. W/e.

Grammy's shouldn't mean shit and third law is plebian as hell sorry.

move bh to pleb and yes

>mixing two KC eras

Red is their most patrish album man


Red isn't patrish at all. It's too hard rock to be patrish.
Islands would technically be their most patrish

>tfw the best ween albums are the pleb ones

ye, I was just saying that because REd's my favourite lol. I see Islands as contrarian, Lark's Tongue is the patrish choice.

All Radiohead is plebeian

Larks tongues

>Origin of Symmetry
>The Resistance

>Black Holes
>2nd Law


Absolution would go somewhere between pleb and contrarian.

Song islands is also patrician you fucking pleb

thats a compilation album

>mixing three KC eras


>Meme Grips

Shit taste. Also, the Great Annihilator is one of their most accessible albums, so not really contrarian

dg is pretty pleb but notm is a 10/10


I don't get it. California is contrarian how? If anything Disco Volante is contrarian.

California is plebeian and ST is contrarian.

>Fear of Music is their best album


MMM ain't patrician dude

Kill yourself.

switch around 3 cheers to patrician, bullets to contrarian, then add danger days to pleb and conventional weapons to contrarian and sure yeah

its definitely contrarian

kek. Maybe Street Hassle is Patrician but Street Hassle is the only really good song on the album (other than I wanna be Black, the proto-meme song)


Except first 3 albums. Haven't listened to them. Are they patrician?

I appreciate that there wasn't room on the template to fit them all under Pleb but you coulda extended the whitespace down.

New York is patrician.


based autobahn

someone do Portishead

Plebian: all of them

only main albums count sry :)