/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread

Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.

Best New Music?
Best New Reissue?
8.0+ with no BNM?
A shitty set of 7's and below?
Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain!
Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review?
Titus Andronicus being robbed once again?
Dead Sara finally getting an 8.3 BNM?
Ian FUCKIN' Cohen?
Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever]
Jayson "8.7" Greene?
Larry "retired BNM godfather" Fitzmaurice?
Craig "Meme Rap" Jenkins? [taking the Big Apple’s publications by storm]
Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired, metal albums still won't get BNM, everyone still won't care]
qt Kim "retired Meal Goddess now at Noisey" Kelly?
Grayson "Grizzly" Currin?
Brian "Backup" Howe?
Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson?
Meaghan “retired trap queen" Garvey?
Andy "secretly alpha" Beta?
Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp? [retired, will probably still get asked to show feet]
Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne?
Stephen "M." Deusner?
Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?

Will someone dethrone Radiohead/Chance the Rapper’s 9.1 for AOTY?

OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 29
Nights since last BNM: 2

The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.

>P4K Collection Rar (Over 300 deleted reviews, pics of every staff member, now slightly updated)

>Tonight's Top Stories
-This thread stands with Kesha eternally
-I suck at updating the top stories
-This thread hypes and supports DIIV, BadBadNotGood, the Julie Ruin, Wreck and Reference, and Frank Ocean.
-/p4k/ forever

The album in the last spot will get a 6.8.

Seriously, come back after the reviews are posted and the fifth one will have a 6.8.

8.6 BNM(eme)

Dead Sara - Pleasure To Meet You 8.3 BNM

TMT going after that sweet tumblr demographic same as Pitchfork

Something something Stands with Michael Gira, and Dr.Luke and rejects the rape culture of Kesha, Larking Grimm, et. Al

More like 9.3 BNR

whats everyones aotysf? whats everyone looking forward to for the rest of the year?

This thread stands with Michael Gira, Freddie Gibbs, Afrika Bambaataa, Heathcliff Berru, Leslie Rasmussen, Gustavo Guerra & Dr. Luke -- and rejects the rape culture hysteria of Meagan Garvey, Amber Coffman, Bethany Cosentino, Larkin Grimm, Ke$ha, et al.

pic related

>whats everyone looking forward to for the rest of the year?

They gang is (almost) all here!




Probably Untiled Unmastered

i am from the near future and blank face gets a 8.8

lol bs 8.4 pop record

Maxwell 8.4 BNM by Rebecca Haithcoat
Kelsey Lu 7.6 by Jazz Monroe
Eric Copeland 7.0 by Raymond Cummings
Gone Is Gone 5.3 by Stuart Berman

maxwell is a 9.0+ sorry

laughing at it only being one point lower than wildflower

8.5 is their new go to score, everything gets an 8.5 now

they might as well drop the shit between .0 and .5

another bnm black power album, another day of unbearable whiteness. la vie

>not knowing Maxwell

plebs off my board pls

i've heard of him. it's just a bit...random, innit? doesn't really seem like he'd be on p4k's radar. honestly wished that he got a higher score than that piece of shit wildflower.

Who is Maxwell? Is he worth listening to?

Why does a BNM for an album by black person automatically = bias to you guys?

Also, I'm listening to it now. It's pretty fucking solid.

yes, listen to Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite

Whoa, he's popular. I feel like I've heard his name before but I'm surprised I hadn't listened to him until now.

He was much bigger in the mid 90s as a major part of the neo-soul movement, his name power dropped off a lot compared to Badu and D'Angelo, but yah, hes still fairly well know

bc it's a white indie rock site at its core? bc all the black music they slobber over is surface black ppl music? bc reasons?

lol, all of those are wrong btw

bc it's cool to care about black ppl? bc blm? virtue signaling? filtered btw.

>filtered btw.

>pitchfork patricians
oh boy