How come people who are into avant-garde music are almost always embarrassing to look at?

How come people who are into avant-garde music are almost always embarrassing to look at?

Talk shit post fit

because they're trying to compensate for being lame fucks by getting into avantagarde art instead of just lifting weights or learning how to talk to women or whatever

there's nothing worse than uninteresting people thinking they're interesting because they know that interesting things exist

being ugly forces you to face life at it's most raw and real level because there's no way to gloss over and sugar coat it with numerous friends and sexual partners

who's playing?

there's something to this. it's also why ugly girls are way more interesting to talk to.

I bet you are a different case though op

Kill yourself

Keiji Haino and Charles Hayward

Somehow I doubt the people in the OP pic are actually at an avant-garde concert.

What does Avant-Garde mean? ahead of the army. at the front, leading.

The only ones who are "avant-garde" are highly trained composers who are already familiar with every extended technique on almost every instrument, know all the forms and theories of the past and present, and take that knowledge and their natural creativity and create something new. Essentially only contemporary art music / classical is avant-garde in the true sense of the term. You can't create something new if you're not well versed in pretty much EVERY current technique, which means knowing extended orchestration and instrumental techniques, and in this day and age also mean knowing how to incorporate live electronics or tape parts, and/or using MAX/MSP to trigger things like lighting or other extramusical elements (or even musical elements)

for one, you're usually seated in a contemporary classical concert. Secondly, the people who attend contemporary classical concerts tend to be pretty normal looking. Expect people over 30, expect people to be smartly dressed or in "normal" comfortable clothes. There will be the odd weirdo, but most people are respectable normal members of society, who just want to hear something new and interesting, and to be challenged.

+1 for the StarGazer shirt

They see life through a clearer lense

Moat people look like shit in pictures

>moat people

This is a terrible post.

But Scaruffi senpai is a qt and totally not embarassing to look at.

Is this a pasta?

you're either into music or people there is no middle ground you have to choose one.

>being this affected

That's because he's not into avant-garde music.

Only like 2 of those people are actually ugly

Because it's not pop music for normies. Real avant garde fans have always been nerds, it was never meant to be a cosmopolitan field of interest.

>People complain that "avant-garde" is too image based while simultaneously claiming that the fans are embarrassing to look at

Do you just going around judging everyone you see and just dwelling on how superior you are to them?