Best Gorillaz Song?
the patrician choice
Empire Ants or Feel Good Inc.
Everything else is either "okay" to "meh"
Fucking Clint eastwood man.
All Alone All Alone...All Alone. All Alone
Yeah. Shit gets bland. But Clint Eastwood and Feel Good were hits for a reason.
You retarded m8?
Dirty Harry or Feel Good Inc.
The real patrician choice:
Damn right
I see only fake patricians here. True patricians know that the best is Every Planet We Reach Is Dead.
Man, i liked that song, but it just drined on foreeever
Amarillo or Dracula.
melancholy hill or november comes
every planet we reach is dead
the most patrician song is Amarillo
but their best song is On Melancholy Hill
Kids with guns
Hong Kong
Double Bass desu
also a patrician answer
>his favorite song is from demon days
wew lad
the correct answer is empire ants and contigo que pasa
this negro knows what's up
Sound Check (Gravity)
The Sounder, easily.
Listen to this shit and tell me it's not the best that they put out
Hong Kong
>ITT: Retards who forgot that Revolving Doors is the best Gorillaz song of all time, hands down, fist up, fucking fight me bitch.
Lol Haard dude
Seattle Yodel
This desu senpai
I went to Hong Kong a few months ago after years of falling in love with the song and couldn't stop listening to it while walking in between the neon lights, skyscrapers, and the harbour
Fucking hate this normie album.
Animation reminds me of the goofy movie though
Correct answer
Correct choices, although I think there are other good songs, like Clint Eastwood, 19-2000, Stylo, Double Bass, All Alone, etc
Will the new album be as good as D-sides?
"New Genius"
"Hong Kong"
(Sometimes, "Broken" too)
Empire Ants or HillBilly Man imo
Empire Ants
November Has Come
Each main albums has a few amazing songs and rest above average to average, I don't really think that it's meaningful to try to choose the best one
Every Planet We Reach is Dead
Did you guys forget about Broken???
You sir get it. But a close second has to be cloud of unknowing
the sounder or double bass
Some Kind of Nature
Double Bass, Hong Kong and Que Pasa Contigo
>Empire Ants
>El Manana
>Dirty Harry
[spoiler]I would also like to state that Feel Good Inc is a fantastic song and no amount of normies or popularity can change that[/spoiler]
On Melancholy Hill
My personal favourite is On Melancholy Hill