What does CLT stand for anyway?

What does CLT stand for anyway?

Cock Loving Tripfag

Cloudy Lettuce Torpedo

Constantly Licking Taint

classy lad *tipsfedora*

CooL Top

Circumcising Little Toddlers

he stands for trump


Cuck Loving Trump

clit licking troll

C[spoiler]heck[/spoiler] L[spoiler]ovably[/spoiler] T[spoiler]he-dubs[/spoiler]

whoops, that didn't work

>doesn't know spoilers don't exist on Sup Forums
>can't even get dubs like the ones I have right now



>Can't even check these dubs after check those dubs

Checking lotsa Terrific (dubs)

not even my final form


thats nothing
check these faggot

Cathode Lay Tube

fuck you trips stealer

rofl get fucked


dayum son

Oh shit!


Time 4 quads my nigga


>It's been almost 2 years since CLT last posted with his trip

that happens when you die

I saw him like two weeks ago

critically literate tripfellow

what the fuck

Cannabis Loving Tripfag

Old tripfags never really existed.

that was me

>tfw I'm just off the bottom of that list

hopefully time forgets my sins

Danfango700 Is Fag

every one of those guys is a faggot

especially that "Anonymous" guy


RIP in peace meow


Cocaine LSD...... Tomato

>meow hear me roar killed himself
rip friend

wait actually or is this like the time that other tripfag 'got stabbed'

yeah hes dead m8


No Sup Forums tripfag has ever died, killed themselves or been stabbed or anything even remotely interesting.

I am pretty sure I've seen Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins around here