Albums where the best song is so good you don't even have to say what it is

albums where the best song is so good you don't even have to say what it is

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Lion in a Coma

that's right, Daily Routine

literally the worst song
>btw the real answer is blueish but if its your first listen you'll say in the flowers.

this doesnt even need to be answered

Lion in a Coma

Are these meme threads where you post albums that are solid throughout with no particular stand-out track?

Because that's what it always seems like to me.


nobody asked you what the best track is -__-

It's obviously Summertime Clothes, retards

Waiting for black metal?



if you have to ask then your wrong im sorry

someone knows what's up



My Girls- the only decent song on that shit album ;)
I Don't Love
Banshee Beat

It's actually In the Flowers

My favorite song the band every put out

shitting at 40k holy fuck

In the Flowers or Brothersport?
Plebs might even say My Girls...


im just gonna have to agree to disagree!

Flowers and Brosport are most pleb tracks on that pleb album, pleb.


It's taste or bluish imo

No, My Girls and Bluish are

In The Flowers is the best Anco song since 2004

album would've gotten a 10 rather htan 9.6 if not for lion in a coma

but user Banshee Beat came out in 2005

guys eyes is my favotie

trick question

anco's whole catalogue is trash

It should be obvious

Life During Wartime

A bit of a harder one


>A bit of a harder one
Then its a bad example. The whole point is that the best song is obvious


I guess you've never listened to that album.

since you guys have trouble figuring it out, here's an easier one

Weird Fishes?


15 Step

I mean the whole album is flawless, but this still applies.

the whole album is one song


Yeah too true, everyone knows its truly Daily Routine

You got it

The 3rd one?

The only true answer

Maybe dopesmoker

Lol, Nude is actually my favorite Radiohead song hands down.

Reckoner is the most overrated Radiohead song. Even more than Paranoid Android, Karma Police, etc.

2nd worst track on the album.

nah its sonic titan

Lol, I gave you guys so much potential by posting that. Well, two songs worth of potential anyway.

And not only because its most likely the only song from these guys you know. The whole album is good

There are two good answers for this
I think you might be talking about Feel Good Inc. though

Banshee Beat/Daffy Duck/Loch Raven is one of the most amazing three song stretches I've ever heard on an album.

space age love song :^)

it's Jigsaw

It's obviously I ran, but Space Age Love Songis god teir

Summertime Clothes
Vapour Trail
We Drift Like Worried Fire


There's A Light That Never Goes Out

One More Time?

My personal favorite is Veridis Quo

i know its over

It really isn't, I'm guessing you're referring to Cities though, or Life During Wartime

Actually, I wasn't. I'd keep it in top three though.

why aren't you saying the truth?

Digital Love

cato as a pon?

if you have to ask then your wrong

Literally the worst song they ever made

Is this a troll post?


Neighborhood #1, but plebs will say Wake Up.


Neighborhood #3

And You And I is the best track and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong


Every response so far has been b8

Here is a real album that belongs ITT

Real answer

Let Down is overrated crap

Subterranean Homesick Alien

The Tourist

I suppose you're talking about Bloodhail but all honestly Earthmover is the best.


You want the truth? It's In the Flowers

This was unavoidable. I mean don't get me wrong, it's amazing, and on basically any other album it would have been the best track by far, but Close to the Edge is definitely the most intense and sublime thing that Yes were able to capture. I think it's one of the most overwhelmingly beautiful pieces of music.

In The Flowers
It's literally an objective fact

I was talking about earthmover, its obviously the best

Gronlandic edit & Tpiaga


I remember Sup Forums shitting their pants about this song in 2009-ish, before HANL became sort of a staple and certified Sup Forumscore. Good times.

>we wish we were dead

you fucked the thread up with the first post OP.

Fire Coming Out Of The Monkeys Head imo

No one will reply to this post because everyone will know what track i'm talking about

Exactly, everybody knows it's Moonchild.

it's actually the title track :^)

this is true

dazed and confused?
