Best radiohead album?

Best radiohead album?

OK Computer

Pablo Honey, trips say I'm right.

amnesiac, singles say I'm right

In Rainbows

Amnesiac if you remove Morning Bell

Kid A, but In Rainbows and AMSP are close

Depends on who ur asking but imo pic related, they have like 4 masterpieces tho so its pretty hard to pick a best

Amnesiac or Kid A

In Rainbows is close behind.

Any other answers are misguided attempts at a "joke."

1. Kid A
2. IR
3. OKC

Can any of you justify your choices beyond "it gives me feels"?

IR because it had the most qt thome


IR=OKC > Kid A=Amnesiac > AMSP > TKOL Live > HTTT > TKOL > The Bends > Pablo

Personal favorite are TKOL and IR
IR has most of the good instrumental but I liked TKOL because of the experimental IR didn't have as much of the same

kid and amnesiac craft the most interesting and complete aesthetics while being the most innovative with pop songwriting and methods.

also they both have the most interesting subject matter.

unironically The King of Limbs

dubs for Amnesiac

No contest, easily their best

why the fuck do we have this thread everyday they are a shitty overrated memerock band and have no good albums

