Post your favorite album and others guess things about your personality.
Post your favorite album and others guess things about your personality
you overrate average albums
You believe your opinions are objective while not contributing to the thread
you get very emotional but try not to show it
oh shit
Thanks for that post and nice digits.
Introspective, reflective, creative. You've gone through breakup at least once before and you know what it's like to be alone. Feels blue often, likes long walks and staying up late. Favorite season is autumn.
>you get very emotional but try not to show it
That's right.
Summerfag spotted
you try and be unique but end up following the herd and having boring opinions
Have you considered we listen to music because we like it and that's it? Just saiyan.
I just like Mummy and Daddy. I don't put any thought further than that. Sounds like psychological projection, mate.
ooh so edgy user
The quads of truth
lol just kidding :)
i really enjoyed this album a lot more after i learned the story about Lou and Rachel
You're indecisive and secretive about what you share with other people. You probably have a lot of friends but no one really knows who you are under the superficial surface.
Probably also dress like a hipster lel.
You smoke pot, and have a desire to dabble in psychedelics.
you are prone to oneitis
You're melancholic and nostalgic
escapist teen nerd
escapist teen normalfag
hasn't listened to Remain in Light enough
tends not to dig deeply into his interests
You want your dad to respect you. You really want his approval.
is he shinji
extroverted yet shy, sensitive. u fall in love easily, but can't form a stable relationship. probably suffer from some mental ilness that includes psychosys/hallucinations
nice taste, that's the best Morrissey album
Step aside.
you often consider yourself an 'old soul', dwelling in the music of the generation before you and basking in the posh glamour of your exquisite tastes, but in reality you're just pretty normie and refuse to see it.
You spout memes and think you're funny.
fuck that's true :'(
You are a beautiful person, who understands that happiness is something manifested in both the internal and external relations you have with the world in and around you, yet you still question it. Really, that album is very good, Elis' laugh is beautiful. one of my favourites too. My city symphony (MNO) is playing a Jobim tribute this summer that I'm going to
Sorry, I can't guess shit about personalities but I'd smoke a joint and chill with you.
you masturbate more than is probably healthy.
I love you boi
>no Ok computer
>no Kid A
Man, you have great taste. Very happy dude that dont give a shit about what others think.
Man, this also my favorite Pink Floyd Album; maybe you want to fuck your sister as much as i want to fuck mine.
You're probably a solid guy/gal
Would do a bowl with.
once a day. good guess though
I think you're the summerfag.
it was this or Mutter, i like both.
you have fantastic taste in music
maybe gay
you have fantastic taste in music
you fantasize about beating up childhood bullies
youre a fucking bad ass
you can microwave a mean hot pocket
you secretly think youre better than all of your friends
you're a nice boy
you always want to dance
you have anxiety
you have fantastic taste in music
you secretly like when you feel your fart bubble roll up your back when youre in the pool
i think DSOTM is better, but i like this one more
School shooter
You're a fucking asshole who uses pitchfork or rym. If not, then you're just a regular /m/utant sheep.
School shooter
Where's your album?
you're new to Sup Forums
ebin xD
ah i see you're also new. Welcome!
I kinda jump between albums but it's a throw up between this album and their self titled one right now
I love this post
Hidden Place is love
you're a great human being, and you have fantastic taste in music too!
also, nice dubs
You're a really chill dude and keep your bread in old fruit jars.
I absolutely love this album.