Is he the official reviewer of Sup Forums?

Is he the official reviewer of Sup Forums?

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He is right, it does suck.

this kid has is unironically hilariously

Decent review.

in 3-5 years maybe. I see potential

>when he starts snapping his fingers

>official reviewer of Sup Forums
>not Joey

This kids is hilarious.
Best channel I'm subbed to by far.

no, she is

it took her 5 times the amount of time it took OP's patrician choice to come to the wrong conclusion

Is he that the "IT'S A MEME YOU DIP" kid?

That review was Bretty funny
He looks like it desu

>......... you're the best you're the best what should I review next?

how the fuck what the fuck

>that sustained eye contact at the end

Fantano has been dethroned.

"it sucks"
Wanna give this album a listen. i'm curious now

Man it is you in the video. You reviewed "Kid A" you're a Sup Forumstant obvsly


what are the odds that he goes here?

This review actually ruined my sides.

what did he mean by this?

>when he starts singing idioteque

>This song sucks

Loosing my shit on the In Rainbows review and when he takes his slide trombone.
Thom Yorke parody 8/10
Atonishing performance

no, this is

>Twenty One Pilots
>....... never

Genuinely keked

scaruffi who?

>twenty one pilots shirt


I love how he implies that The Money Store is the epitome of perfection, fucking lold

"It's the concept of a...kid"


in the comments
>did you buy the album just for the review
>"do you know the term "meme potentional""

lmao this Sup Forumstant pretending to be retarded doesn't even notice that he might actually be retarded

look at his mongoloid face features

>that's what the album deserves

This kid is actually funny, I like him.

10/10 waiting for next review

Ignoring the samefags and the fact that this might be some Sup Forumstants brother

it's not bad

Nasty cunt, go back to

>Filthy Frank
>Sky Williams

Yea no.

This kid is a legend

This kid is called Brian DeStefano, he is in 8th grade and performed Alvin row for his school talent show.
Don't believe me?

Holy fucking shit dude

This is Great

not bad

How can one kid be so based?

This kid has some serious meme potential.


Holy fucking shit my dudes

fye af


this guy is fucking great. Wish I'd had the balls to do that

No I am.

Sup Forums sucks as a board, I give it a 2/10.

ITT: 10 year old Patrician plays Alvin row on ukele

>some Sup Forumstants brother
oh man, if you don't know the type of people that browse this board, I don't want to be the one to tell you...

based OhHellfire, tell us the secret of your meme power


Go the fuck back to Sup Forums

I'm tossing a solid 13

fuck off reddit

This kid is a genius

>Radiohead's A Kid

Nah, he's older than most of the people on here

There is literally nothing funny here.
Alvin Row cover is good though

Because he's the hero Sup Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a patrician protector. A dank knight.

this faggot looks like a goddamn woman

wait until he hits puberty

His name is Brian DeStefan so go for it

i liked this - he sounds a little like avey at times

guy you make all that faces like if you were knowing all the screenshots we are gonna do to make memes

you life must be sad

Sup Forums has memed so hard the spirit of the board has embodied a child

>tfw he is a fucking tulpa

>audience starts clapping
>literally every person is clapping at a different tempo

those digits are pretty fitting for your post


Polyrhytmic clapping you fucking pleb.

Yep, id say hes better than Fantano.

>those eyebrows on B. Jr.
Fucking saved


Kinda looks like that one kid from that one vapourwave meme with the texting and the blonde kid with glasses

>dat camera angle

if you're here kid, you're not bad

covers alvin row on uke in 8th grade, posts on reddit

i mean i like the boy but cmon

Why is he so based??
