
What does Sup Forums think of LSD and music? Do any of you enjoy the sound distortions and have any good experiences with it?

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I listened to some AnCo I usually loved when sober and listened to it on acid, it scared the shit out of me.

One time I did lsd and listened to Keith Sweat's Twisted for a couple of hours. Bo idea why. You do some stupid shit when you're tripping.

Listening to music and realizing that this is one of your favorite tracks when its already in the middle is a pretty crazy experience.

Besides that acid is really just a waste of time. You gain nothing from those experiences and if you repeat them, they will always end with you thinking that you almost figured "it" out.

Though hearing songs again for the first time while candyflipping was one of the craziest most euphoric experiences ive ever had.

I'm scared of trying acid after I had a bad time on Salvia and Woodrose Seeds (LSA)
I mean a part of me is just scared of experiencing a really intense trip, I always try to root myself in reality and I suffer as a consequence

Goes pretty well with acid

gtfo my Sup Forums

It's a lot easier to "feel" the music very strongly on psychedelics and notice all the small stuff. It's great for getting into new types of music, I got into classical on acid because I finally could concentrate enough on the harmonies, read a bit about the backstories of the composers and get over the fact that simply because it sounds very grand and pompous at times it doesn't mean that it isn't relatable or approachable by a modestly educated poorfag like me. I feel like I do psychedelics less for the euphoria nowadays and more to make myself more interested in things, I don't know if it's good or bad but I like it.

> Salvia
There's your problem dude, you're just taking horrible pleb drugs. I've tried both approx 4 or 5 times each and it was never a good time. Idk why anyone even bothers

Woah dudeeee
You don't figure shit on acid it's just a dumb party drug
DMT on the other hand...

>acid is just a dump party drug
Do you honestly think that?

>my drug is better than your drug because of my personal experience with it


LSD is a miracle to mankind. I've done it over 300 times in many different settings and countries with various bands of mine. The connection to people, level of abstract thinking, along with ability to peek under the veil of surface reality make me forever indebted to her charms.

Music is undoubtedly more emotionally affecting on acid. Anyone who denies this is lying to themselves. It's also more fun to compose your own stuff.

I made this on LSD
The trip was terrifying but humbling, I actually saw all of my guilt and shame right in front of me, it was almost like I was finally sober

Tried to listen to music the first time I took acid, but I wound up scrolling through my library for almost two hours looking at all the album artwork. It was moving and it was cool

He doesn't, I highly doubt he's ever taken acid or DMT or even weed for that matter. Wants to seem cool though

Digital or did you paint that? Pretty neat

I sampled 3 images, the head is just some picture of an old man from romania, there's a strawberry picture as you can see, and the rest is photoshop generated geometric shapes and patters, and the bottom middle, you can see an insect looking creature, its from a manga about a giant bug that eats people

It started out as this
very modern arty even though I've only been to probaly 2 modern art museums

it was fun to make

>getting it wrong


Did someone say ACID?

Very cool, you have a website or anything with your work? Could see them being used as an album cover

Get this Slav shit outta here

Got this on vinyl on the night I was tripping, fucking incredible

Listened to this on acid and it blew my mind.

Going to do DMT for the first time in about a week. Any tips/music recs?

I've done acid before many times (normal and heavy doses)

Maybe just something ambient to relax you before you hit it, cause once it comes on you won't even hear the music. All the LSD in the world can't prepare you for what DMT is. Take 2-3 hits so you get the full breakthrough and aren't stuck in limbo. It's beautifully terrifying but just remember that the trip will end even though it feels like you are stuck there for eternity. Enjoy!

>Very cool, you have a website or anything with your work?
No but I need to get back on track and learn more web page design and coding so I can get my life together !!

>slave shit

But Wisp is American.

What's the musical equivalent of that shitty metal/blood taste from taking acid?

You have more freedom with real paint and canvas. Try it sometime

Are you sure? I can't manipulate external images with a canvas
I will try that though

He's right though, not all drugs are equal

I've always favored shrooms over acid but Atom Heart Mother on 325µg blew my mind.

mind if I use it as a wallpaper?
[spoiler] I'm going to anyway [/spoiler]

I think you may have goofed.
Sounds more like NBOME

The individual experience is what actually matters, though.

me and friends listened to oblivion access on acid and watched ghostbusters. a lot of the noise bits lined up with the ghost scenes, it was cool then we put on that typical acid movie i forget what its called. good times

Listening to this on acid made me finally understand the subtle coolness of the American negro spirit.

haven't tried acid or other psychedelics yet because le anxiety disorder but when i finally get over shit i'm gonna listen to MPP. shit sounds like it'd be amazing when your brain's working overtime

I dropped lucy around a month ago for the first time, Person Pitch on acid was breathtaking, as was Silent Shout.
Not acid, but I've tripped on shrooms 4 times now, some of my favorite music whilst tripping, AnCo (Feels and Water Curses) Joe McPhee (really energetic jazz is amazing, it really captures that "electical" feeling i get sometimes while tripping) and Nick Drake's Five Leaves made me start crying, in a good way.
Planning on tripping later this week, i was thinking of putting a playlist together.

Dude this is tight I would use one as a cassette cover

I've seen myself returning to this album the last couple of times I've been tripping. Most recently while in the rain. It was fantastic. The different rhythm-changes and transitions on Forever Dolphin Love were really interesting. Lots of chorused-to-hell-and-back guitar on this one.

all excellent choices

>muh i didn't like it, fucking pleb drugs

I've had amazing experiences on both drugs - and not just because I couldn't get acid or shrooms.

No, what he's doing is actually:

>i'm superior to you because I'm tha true astral traveller, DMT mayn fucking plebs doing party drugs and thinking they're expanding their minds FUCKING PLEBS XD

Yeah I did it on my first trip, I waited like 1 hour before puting it, The synth explosion in In the Flowers kinda started my trip, awesome experience.
I too had anxiety, actually huge amount of acid kinda changed me, I used to do benzos a lot too but now I don't do it too often

Good music makes you trip without acid.

If you need to risk going to jail or dying to make your music sound less shitty, maybe you should get better taste in music.


>risk dying

go climb back under your rock

i think you got baited dudes lmao xD

i dont like this meme that Sup Forums has created about how music on acid is so great.

it seems like every day we have some faggot asking for music recs to listen to while on acid

taking a tab doesnt put you in a musical mood. anyone who has actually taken acid will tell you that they didnt really feel like music when on a tab. thats not to say certain music doesnt sound cool, but music really isnt something you'll find yourself interested in while on a tab

salvia is 30x more intense than LSD
if you survived that then you really have nothing to worry about

I listened to this on LSD and I fucked a bunch of little girls

Lets just say I had more than one kind of trip that night

ive never taken acid but im travelling to mexico for my birthday to try it

my only experience with psychedelics is that ive done over 100 DXM trips. i know DXM isnt really a psychedelic but more of a dissociative so the experience is probably different. however, i have for a fact achieved ego death before so that part doesnt really scare me too much

im worried acid will be so different from DXM that it wont matter and i will freak anyways

this is what i plan on listening to when i trip (after i peak or before whenever i have enough clairvoyance to put anything on)

smiley smile
dark side of the moon
sgt pepper

>however, i have for a fact achieved ego death before
Get out of your ass Roger

Depends on the person man, I either want to walk outside or listen to music.

im not making it up, you can achieve ego death or the death crisis on DXM as well as LSD if you take enough which i have

Dude. It absolutely depends of the nature of your trip. I've had trips wandering in the forest not slightly thinking about music or just being on another level of comprehension where seems mundane, but i've had others locked in my couched hallucinating otherworldly landscapes to my favorite albums in total awe. You cant pinpoint acid like that. In the end most trips are different. The same goes for other drugs


Hopefully I'll be as in touch with my feelings and other forms of wisdom that you have attained

actually it depends on how spiritually connected the person is

if you are a really aware person you can trip on your couch and go through other galaxies different time zones universes whatever

if you are closed off you might have a bad trip or not get the full experience, even if youre in nature and everything is beautiful
theres a whole wikipedia article you could read if youre going to be an asshole

Listened to meat is murder while tripping balls. Would not reccomend.

very good but CAN deviate you from the trip itself somewhat in my experience. don't structure your trip around music for example. i made this mistake while tripping alone & ended up unnerved by silence, so i ended up sat in my bathroom with the shower running & a beach towel over the mirror. your main activity should involve either being outside, talking or simply being. all that said pic related is a GREAT album on acid. also laurie anderson.

I'm not being an asshole, you just need to get over yourself, which is hilarious because you said you had ego death

One of the best parts about acid and life in general is realizing what you do or think is not all that special, its all about honesty

how do i need to get over myself? i am being honest, i experienced ego death and i was wondering how much that factors into tripping on acid, since thats part of the trip

>One of the best parts about acid and life in general is realizing what you do or think is not all that special,
wow i would have terrible trips if i thought that

what album is this

I put this on one time when me and my friends were tripping and they loved it

Afraid you might have to confront how pathetic you are?
Going on about yourself for hours like a fucking faggot doesn't make you honest, you are in so much denial

I will beat the fuck out of both of you
Your self assurance and smugness is hilarious,

either you guys are trollin, ignorant, or just have done absolutely 0 research on lysergic acid.

if any of those are the case im sorry you only see people abusing it or it didnt work for you the way you wanted

I'm not either of the people you just replied to, but you seem pretty pathetic.

Damn this is really good. Thanks for sharing.

acid makes you schizophrenic

false, it is a possibility though if you're not mentally stable and emotionally flexible and have pre existing mental conditions in your family history

i listened to the intro track while coming down from shrooms and it was a 10/10 music experience

>Going on about yourself for hours like a fucking faggot doesn't make you honest
not him, but no one has posted anything resembling "going on about yourself for hours"
you're a pathetic troll, kys

Candyflipping is the single most music-enhancing drug experience there is. If I listen to a song while candyflipping it will then be my absolute favourite song for the next 1-3 months. Even if the music is just quite good. I feel so sorry for people that have never candyflipped.

Migrations in Rust - Two Shadows

acid makes holes in your brain

Montie reincarnate

in my opinion, venetian snares on acid is one of the greatest experience I had on acid, you are just able to change the sound with your mind, make it like it's slow or fast and for this type of music this is pretty cool.

none of these people but you are straight fkd m8

I stopped doing acid because I felt 'empty' and bored when not on it. Sadly it makes me feel 'alive' too much and fucks up my regular life and makes me feel miserable.

Tribal shit

I took three hits of acid with a bud and we listened to a whole bunch of ween.

plz don't scare me like this

ive felt that before, but i remember to use it as a treat, or a break from normal life, especially when its on the more mundane side. but it's different for everyone im sorry it makes you feel this way

Different user. Acid can fuck you up emotionally if you aren't ready for it. There was a time where I thought it had made me psychotic and now here I am almost a year later the happiest I've ever been. Master your state of mind and you can master anything.

This issue isn't exclusive to just acid. It applies to anything that is enjoyable and/or exciting. You shouldn't eat cake every day, but it's not inherently bad.

true, to sum it up, everything in respected moderation

except weed

every day : )

also the texture of this song while in a psychedelic state of mind is wwHOAa

Don't trust dis nigga

I'm not sure it's like cake, at least for me.
It made me feel incomparable happiness, all emotions at once, I cried like a fuck for every little thing and made me feel alive like nothing before or after could. The only thing comparable would be my first kiss with the girl I loved as a child.

Normally I'm a completely apathetic and depressed person.
I stopped because I understood I couldn't continue doing it forever so better stop now and try to live life normally and try to cure my depression/fucked up head without drugs.

Obviously cake is completely different to acid, but they both bring some emotion/enjoyment that isn't sustainable.

Right now it seems like exercise and lsd are the only things that make me feel anything.

>300 times
Damn, how is your brain doing?
(Honest question)