I'm disappointed

I'm disappointed

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I'm disappointed that I already listened to the greatest album and everything else is downhill from here



Wew boy, this is a double whammy of shit

really tho this is what i thought after i heard dsotm for the first time

i was high as fuck and never listened to music outside of top 40 before

was a formative experience

I revisited this album for the first time the other week after having not listened to the whole thing in years. First time playing it stoned too. Blew me away, I'm glad it still holds up even though I'm out of my 'dad rock is the only true form of music' phase

Yeah, most people that pretend to know shit about music but don't actually know anything tend to find the experience disappointing. Total plebs enjoy it because they haven't listened to much music like it while total patricians enjoy it for the actual depth it offers.

this tbqhwy

>total patricians enjoy it for the actual depth it offers.
K e K
Pink Floyd is pleb as hell, specially this album.

Spoken like a true idiot who thinks he knows his shit after finally deciding to go past the surface of prog bands.

Dark Side of the Moon is just a mixture and sterilization of the ongoing trends during their time: Progressive Rock, Smooth Jazz and Cocenpt Albums, all together in an awful easy-listening scheme.
It tries to be profound while selling itself and appealing to the vast majority of people, also featuring post-Barrett Pink Floyd's trademark: highschool tier philosophy.
It should have been forgotten months after its relase.

>easy to listen means easy to digest all aspects of that music
Nigga what? That doesn't even make sense. Most jazz that contains depth is easy to listen to also.

>Smooth jazz
Nigga what? Do you even know what smooth jazz is? The jazzy parts of this album are nothing like it.

It has by far more sounds, synths, and loops than any album from that time. The fact that they were also among the first to use 16-track to its full advantage allowed them to reach a level of ambition other prog bands didn't reach. Not to mention that conceptually it had far more themes than the average prog album trying to cover just one or two within its frame of story.

The album's brilliant cuz there's stuff for total music plebs while there's also stuff for people who really like to pick up all sorts of little details in music. Just nothing for pretenders like you who pretend to act like they know what they are talking about after reading some Scaruffi and listening to Robert Wyatt. At least total plebs are honest about their lack of understanding of music; you're ten times worse.

Never thought it was deep. Any records that actually talk about things most humans tend to worry about lots (wasting their life, money, etc) tends to get lauded as "deep" even if it doesn't offer THAT much.

But it's a fantastic record imo. Beautiful sounding songs, great songwriting, lovely mix of tape effects and looping and the live band.

The album took an approach to mental illness that was certainly not common in that time hell I don't see many records do it today either. Maybe not deep deep but certainly deep from a relative perspective of how their peers cover similar subjects.

>It has by far more sounds, synths, and loops than any album from that time
Hell, even Ummagumma is better than DSotM
>Most jazz that contains depth is easy to listen to also.
Confirmed for being total music pleb.


Does music really have to be groundbreaking for it to be good though

(different user btw)

No, but good music needs not to hark back to clichés.

good. you will fit right in here with all the contrarians and ape hop cucks

how exactly does dsotm "hark back to cliches"?

You mentioned in :
>Progressive Rock, Smooth Jazz and Cocenpt Albums
How is the fact that it is prog rock concept album, with some jazz elements a bad thing?

>awful easy-listening scheme.
Just because it's "easy to listen to" doesn't mean it's bad. This one baffles me the most.

>highschool tier philosophy.
How is this a bad thing? Nobody thinks it's "so deep" except for high school stoners who've heard barely anything else. Does music have to talk about sophisticated philosophical concepts in order to be good? It's just music, it's not a book about philosophy.

All three of your criticisms are meaningless.



DSotM is a 8/10, we can all agree on that. It's a great pop record, that is way more deep than any pop record released at the time. Of course it's not prog. of course there are better prog albums, but better prog albums that are also pop? nope.

"Speak to me/Breathe" is a god tier song, and the return at Time is really good +1
"on the run" is a style exercise. I like it but it's uncessary, and way behind its time -1
"Time" is great +1
"the great gig" really good, and innovative +1
"money" fuck this song -1
"us and them" it's ok 0
"any colour you like" good +1
"brain damage" good +1
"eclipse" great ending +1

You can't deny it has some flaws, but neither that it's a bad album.It's simply not a progressive rock lp.

us and them is one of the best on the record imo but yeah u right it's a solid 8/10. it's a personal 10/10 for me tho because listening to it for the first time unironically changed my life


I listened to it for the first time in ages a couple days ago and it's still really enjoyable but I find it underwhelming now.

wow look at it

>"the great gig" really good, and innovative +1
really good yes, but innovative? what the fuck

>"money" fuck this song -1
fuck you nigger

>"us and them" it's ok 0
literally second best song of the album

your opinion is generally shit as fuck

name some stuff like great gig then

why do people think Eclipse is such a great ending? its p boring desu

specifically, something like it used in a psych/prog rock context

t. pleb

>liking money

>posts an art music piece to prove me wrong
You proved my point.

>even Ummagumma is better
Trolling here? Ummagumma lacks the sophistication and hard work of DSOTM so there's too much filler.

>pleb detected
>implying stuff like A Love Supreme, TBSATSL, Bitches Brew, etc. aren't easy initial listens akin to DSOTM
sure thing, pal. You sound like free jazz and smooth jazz are the only genres in existence

>thinks DSOTM is bad because it takes a bunch of different concepts and puts them together with each individual concept watered down
>still thinks Faust I is one of the greatest albums ever while doing that exact same idea but with different concepts
Yeah sure thing, Scaruffi

Smooth jazz? What the fuck are you talking about? There are jazz elements to some of the tracks but nothing that comes close to the style of smooth jazz.

Don't talk shit about shit you don't know anything about.