Whats the point of music? It's a waste of time and doesn't get you anywhere in life. Also it seems that during the robo evolution of cops and shit like that you'd get snares and cymbals on their heads instead of guitar.so it makes sense that music is appreciated once.
Whats the point of music? It's a waste of time and doesn't get you anywhere in life...
Recommend me good breakcore
Rotting fantasylands
mutant spiders from the xxx dimension
thinking of you
liminal space
what's the point of getting anywhere in life?
>mutant spiders from the xxx dimension
invasion from the xxx dimension, got it mixed up
>It's a waste of time and doesn't get you anywhere in life.
Perfect example of this tumblr generation "ironically" liking things just to boost their social status like name dropping bands is the equivalent too playing card games too see who has the better deck.
I suggest you do mediation if you wanna get somewhere in life.
There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out
It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to this question. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". Sup Forumstants are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". Sup Forumstants don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?
Talking to a Sup Forumstant is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"
I do meditation sometimes, I just thought I'd visit this board every once in a while. It kind of sucks that people obsess over entertainment rather than long-term pleasure.
>Also it seems that during the robo evolution of cops and shit like that you'd get snares and cymbals on their heads instead of guitar.so it makes sense that music is appreciated once.
I don't even care about your opinion that you may or may not be serious about, what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?
Bump because this is a good question
bump for the same reason
>entertainment over long term pleasure
You're right, I can't listen to music and be happy in life. Bait more smarter. No one is gonna get angry at something so stupid.
Erratic evaluation inside the head (fedora lady girl)
I've that it led into its heads of voice. erroneous results friend.
You don't know what long-term pleasure is do you?
A one month orgasm
>It's a waste of time and doesn't get you anywhere in life
So every hobby?
>Sports: healthy body and longer life
>Combat sports: ability to keep yourself safe
>Drawing/writing: possibility to publish your works and sustain yourself
I don't know, unless you are actually producing music which I'm sure Sup Forums isn't specialized in the hobby is pretty objectively waste.
>>Sports: healthy body and longer life
>>Combat sports: ability to keep yourself safe
if you actually PLAY them and don't just watch them on TV like 90 percent of dudebro "sports fans". but you have a point.
>>Drawing/writing: possibility to publish your works and sustain yourself
you can do this with music. the bar for success in both music and writing is set extremely low, despite what /lit/fags will tell you about literature being superior to music.
people should be free to decide what they want to do in life, even if some choices have more cons than others. if someone makes a choice that ends up being not good, then they have to figure out how to deal with it.
but you can balance music-listening/making with actual productive stuff enough to make it so it's not a bad choice. and many people would agree that there is a lot of value in music.
>possibility to publish your works and sustain yourself
lots of people do this with music yaknow
Thanks for helpfully pointing out the part that I already included in the last line of my post.
Killing myself after snorting cocaine?
Look at all those 5s
Thanks, I try.