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I cried for 30 minutes


>tfw the comfiest position on your bed has the worst wifi reception

kpop for this feel?

ride or die, bitches

why is yerin the only one in a skirt and heels


That's false though
The Japanese albums are more consistently pop bangers but the Korean ones are a great mix

Low key some of their best songs are off of those albums but they're rarely talked about because they're not singles

want seunghee to ride me

LOL (and i don't mean their new album)

gfriend always have the best album tracks


someone should throw downsee out of a moving vehicle


That Sica lookalike will never stop creeping me out


you guys are lewdboys

that's her hosting outfit

Trick should have been a Japanese single.
It's my favorite SNSD song honestly but it seriously feels out of place on The Boys.

love this meme

because she was busy getting fucked backstage and didn't have time to change before the performance

my name is achmed van cuterlinger

koreans have no idea how seat belts work


visual dreams was soooo good!

Visual Dreams was so good
I love this remix of it

t. mehmet

sojin tho

nounie went to meet our guy joser

ok, what's it called


shes at it again...

crazy cat lady

sojin is so fucking sexy

banhae banhae beoryeosseoyo


I just want to be her little toy

she could touch me so much

ayy lmao


good song
yuna is bae

totally did it on purpose

please post more of yooa

mydude! this takes me back. snsd was just great during this era. best looks too. except for hyogre.

what day is inki

>tfw i will never be in the middle


>le nostalgia from a few years back
grow up



rollin in ma benzo, poppin ma colla
i see some fine nugus, i hafta holla
won, yuan, and the almighty dolla
it's oh my girl, bitch, the original balla
bust out my 9 cuz you a liar liar

look up the definition of nostalgia

mimi knows where that finger has been

oh come on.


>The MCs relayed their suspicions she got her eyes done, asking her if she got double eyelid surgery. She replied to everyone's surprise, "I did my nose," confessing to another procedure entirely. She then stated that double eyelids naturally formed when she was in middle school.

>She then stated that double eyelids naturally formed when she was in middle school.


Visual Dreams was over 5 years ago you dork, that's a reasonable amount of time to be nostalgic over a song.


which one!

i need to watch my love dance

word i'm already nostalgizing about the latest nugushit release. those were the times. but you probably weren't there, newfag

how did she get her eyes done and yet they still aren't fucking symmetrical???

middle school is the name of dr. kim's office

Why would kissing nahyun or d.ana be weird for Koreans? Are women blind or is their society really that backwards

i'm 90% sure it's sunday
you could try to find the pastebin with the showinfo

never mind i thought it said friday

she is ugly, but free somebody is mini of the year

kpop is fast as fuck you wank
6 months of trends feels like a generation

t. 18 y-o

They're playing a game you troglodyte

t. 19 year old trying to pretend he hasn't been into kpop for only 3 years

I should start flexing my oldfag status like an autist just to shame fools like you into shitposting frustration

mad as fuck you didn't know the definition of nostalgia until now

lmaoing at your life



ive been into kpop for less than a year

lying WHORES

str8 up projection lmao

mimi should go on unpretty rapstar

i've been on Sup Forums for 10 years

post the oldest image you have

>that first frame
mother fucking shit

ive been into kpop for 4 years

i always post about how much i love kpg.. no one ever cares.. my love is unwanted and useless

how is taeyeon so perfect

time to get out of kpop

angry complainer time

im out

no way son
she's too sweet

I've been into Kpop for 8 years
when's the second golden age gonna start..

she goes hard in the paint

stop getting attached to kpg

mimi should be in my bed

the red was ok but reboot is probably AOTY 2015

she's got the unpretty part down


i can't help it i love you all and this place feels like home

literally confirmed

i think when it's the fall i've been on /kpg/ for 3 years



so she only got her nose done?
