really makes you think
Really makes you think
>don't judge people on their genetics, moral beliefs or mental disorders
>judge them based on the shallow media they choose to entertain themselves with
It makes me think about what level of autism you were diagnosed with
>religion = moral beliefs
>sexual orientation = mental disorders
wew lad
>shallow media
We aren't talking about television here.
And 2/3 of those things a person can't really choose, if someone doesn't choose to better their taste in music then they're worth either disdain or the utmost apathy.
>And 2/3 of those things a person can't really choose
How does that matter? It's still part of who they are, and they certainly are a bigger part of them as an individual that their choice in what arbitrary medium they choose to occupy themselves with.
I wasted like $2000 on records this year
Not just with music, but typically people who listen to easily digestible music probably don't think very critically. People who actively seek out easily digestible music; that is purchasing it and/or finding it on the internet, usually have had something shitty happen to them and they don't really want to feel that way again. Pattern I've noticed, usually 90% correct.
face it, the kind of people who make image macros have very shallow tastes
>probably don't think very critically
Or, you know, they don't give a shit about music and have other, important things in life.
The amount of unwarranted self importance Sup Forums suffers from really is cringe inducing.
Yeah, other things to do and not enough time to think critically. Self-importance? I'm just stating an observation I've had from my own life experiences. What's wrong with you? Did I strike a nerve?
Now this REALLY makes me think
>people who do not pick up a particular interest in the medium that I did lack critical thinking
>not unwarranted self importance
Holy shit dude. Do you seriously have no self-awareness?
What if you judge people by their skin color, sexual degeneration and record collection?
>people who do not pick up a particular interest in the medium that I did lack critical thinking
At no point in my post did I bring up my own interests. That is to say, you have no idea what media or music I consume. Here, I'll copy/paste what I wrote just for you.
>Not just with music, but typically people who listen to easily digestible music probably don't think very critically. People who actively seek out easily digestible music; that is purchasing it and/or finding it on the internet, usually have had something shitty happen to them and they don't really want to feel that way again
This. Sexuality and race take a depper role in the personality than records.
OP is a faggot like always.
This was the most fake deep post ive seen on Sup Forums in a while
Your interest is music. Because it is your interest you dedicate time to furthering your knowledge of the medium and expanding your taste.
A person who doesn't care too much for music is not going to dedicate time to furthering their knowledge of the medium and expanding their taste. They will listen to whatever they're exposed to.
Just because they don't share the same interest - music - as you, doesn't mean they're less critically thinking than you. It means they dedicate their time to something else, and that you are a shallow, narcissistic fuckwit who bases his entire understanding of people based on what music they decide to listen to, as if that matters at all.
>Just because they don't share the same interest - music - as you, doesn't mean they're less critically thinking than you
I'm not talking about thinking less critically than myself. I'm talking about thinking critically in general.
>It means they dedicate their time to something else
Agreed, with not enough time to think critically.
>and that you are a shallow, narcissistic fuckwit who bases his entire understanding of people based on what music they decide to listen to, as if that matters at all.
No I don't base it at all. If you had read my post instead of getting hurt like a little weenie you'd know these are from my own observations in my own life experiences with meeting people. It's alright man, I wasn't insulting you. It's fine that you like Top40.
>I'm talking about thinking critically in general
Because they dedicate their time to studying something like nuclear physics or biomechanics instead of lurking on some taiwanese sock puppet subforum about music?
Holy shit you are a fucking retard.
>Because they dedicate their time to studying something like nuclear physics or biomechanics
I've actually met a few nuclear physicists and two of them really like Taylor Swift. Never met a biomechanist but I'll get back to you when I do on what they listen to.
>Yeah, other things to do and not enough time to think critically
Holy shit you're a fucking retard. So if you're not spending your time hoarding a perfectly honed music collection like an autist you're just staring into space breathing out of your mouth? People who put in effort to progress in their careers aren't critically thinking? People who have a heavy work load because of their careers aren't critically thinking? People who have families aren't critically thinking? You're the stupidest person I've ever seen on Sup Forums and I highly doubt you do any critical thinking of your own. Moron.
>I've actually met a few nuclear physicists and two of them really like Taylor Swift
and they're probably 10x smarter than you are. stop clinging to music like it actually makes a man and just enjoy it for yourself.
>I've actually met a few nuclear physicists and two of them really like Taylor Swift
Wait, what's the implication here? That tay isn't the face of the most shallow, shittiest, dumbest pop music forced onto the masses? Or that nuclear physicists are fucking retards?
>and they're probably 10x smarter than you are
I'm not so sure about that. People are smart in different respects They'd one-up me for certain in an exam about the properties of quarks, but one of them didn't know how to change his alternator. You ever read that essay Isaac Asimov did on intelligence?
>So if you're not spending your time hoarding a perfectly honed music collection like an autist you're just staring into space breathing out of your mouth?
Where is this coming from?
>People who put in effort to progress in their careers aren't critically thinking?
>People who have a heavy work load because of their careers aren't critically thinking?
Considering the insurance brokers I've met, managers of social worker institutions, I'd say not a lot of them do, no. These individuals also casually consumed music. Like I said, this is an observation I've had.
>People who have families aren't critically thinking?
Are you actually asking this? Have you ever been a family?
That these very intelligent persons who were smart about nuclear physics listened to Taylor Swift, casually but enough to really like her. I later found through my interactions with them that they weren't the smartest folks when it comes to social situations. Guy couldn't figure out why the girl at the bar didn't want his number despite him smelling like he'd been holed up in a lab for a few days.
>I'd say not a lot of them do, no.
I'd say a lot of them do not* whoopsy.
And I'd say you're a fucking idiot. My music library is pretty big so I know I'm a very good critical thinker and therefore I am right.
But you're not critically thinking. You're making a claim and not backing it up at all. That requires no effort to do.
>Where is this coming from?
Your entire slop of bullshit revolves around people who aren't into music not being able to critically think. Which is a retarded notion.
>Considering the insurance brokers I've met, managers of social worker institutions, I'd say not a lot of them do, no. These individuals also casually consumed music. Like I said, this is an observation I've had.
My point is that there are more important things in life to be busy with than music. Your idea that not being into music somehow has any causation at all with a lack of critical thinking ability is stupid as there are a myriad of other reasons someone would only have a surface level knowledge of music.
>Are you actually asking this? Have you ever been a family?
See above. Being busy with something more important than being into music doesn't make you less intelligent.
You're one of those people that keeps arguing when they know they're wrong.
I am. I am thinking critically and have come to the conclusion that you are critically retarded.
>Your entire slop of bullshit revolves around people who aren't into music not being able to critically think. Which is a retarded notion.
No, it revolves around my experiences in meeting people.
>as there are a myriad of other reasons someone would only have a surface level knowledge of music.
I agree. Didn't you notice the 10% margin of error in my first post? Fortunately or unfortunately it seems that a majority of the people I've met with a surface level knowledge can't think critically.
>See above. Being busy with something more important than being into music doesn't make you less intelligent.
90% of the time I find, it does.
>You're one of those people that keeps arguing when they know they're wrong.
10% of the time I'm wrong. Are you telling me if you actually read my post we wouldn't be having this discussion?
I'm not seeing any critical thinking. A claim with no backing takes zero effort. I'm willing to hear your arguments but I doubt you actually
>No, it revolves around my experiences in meeting people
Which is absolutely no indicator at all of any population as a whole.
>I agree. Didn't you notice the 10% margin of error in my first post? Fortunately or unfortunately it seems that a majority of the people I've met with a surface level knowledge can't think critically.
And I've met plenty of people with surface level music taste who could destroy me in a logical debate. Your individual experiences are meaningless. It doesn't matter if your post is just about individual experiences if you're trying to make any sort of significant conclusion from them. That's when your post becomes really stupid.
>90% of the time I find, it does.
Not everyone has the lack of ambition and the excess of time that people like you do. And again, your individual experiences mean jack shit in relation to any significant population's behavior.
>10% of the time I'm wrong. Are you telling me if you actually read my post we wouldn't be having this discussion?
No, I'm telling you that you are of low intelligence and that you are very stubborn about that fact.
>I'm not seeing any critical thinking
That's because you're critically retarded.
>A claim with no backing takes zero effort
So that's what you meant by "speaking from experience".
More like
>religion = mental disorders
>sexual orientation = mental disorders
>judging people on characteristics (genetics, mental illness) beyond their control
how do you justify that? should a paraplegic man feel ashamed he doesn't have the use of his legs?
He means Skin Color - Genetics, Religion - Moral Beliefs and Sexual Orientation - Mental Disorder
Anything non straight is pretty much a mental disorder
t. fag
I wouldn't expect him to feel ashamed about it or fault him for it. I still wouldn't let him drive my car though.
Same way if I met a person who happened to be a violent piece of shit and then found out he's that way because he has asperger's. He's still a violent piece of shit that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near.
How far can you go with your leniency anyway? What if a person is a straight up piece of shit despite not having any diagnosable disorder? Can't you just justify it saying "well it's not his fault I mean he didn't get to choose his genetics and how he would be raised up"?
judge them by whether they listen to their records or purchase them as collectibles
>people who treat vinyl like pokemon cards
>mental disorders