Dear reader, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you on a regrettable subculture which has been forming on our beloved Sup Forums.
Poseurs are people who go out of their way to cultivate an image of being interesting, by and large through doing their best to cultivate a "sophisticated" music taste.
HOWEVER, as these people have no self-sufficiency of their own, or any knowledge or familiarity with music beyond the pop sphere presented on sites such as Pitchfork, the best they can do to cultivate that image is to go on RateYourMusic and sheepishly drone the top-rated albums of whatever niche genre they think will bring them the most "patrician" or "underground" or "sophisticated" credibility.
IF you were to question them on the merit an album they claim to be a favorite, they would not be able to provide any substantial opinion or judgment regarding it(only empty buzzwords which they regurgitate without ever giving any thought to what they mean or how they relate to that artist) as in reality they have none of the knowledge which would help them to properly evaluate it.
The vast majority of them don't know music theory or have any sort of education(whether through personal exploration or professional education) on music/art history and have no familiarity with the origins, backgrounds and histories of their "favorite" genres, albums and artists. Their education begins and ends with RYM pages and lists and Sup Forums chart thread images.
More effort goes into building up the perfect "patrician" RYM profile and curve using the perfect combination of albums and ratings than into actually trying to understand and genuinely appreciate what they are hearing.
This utter dilettantism and ignorance, however, does not prevent them from nurturing severe superiority complexes which serve as fuel for regular mockery, ridicule and debasement of the rest of this fine board's residents.