Meanwhile on Bizarro Sup Forums

Meanwhile on Bizarro Sup Forums...

I disagree, but I respect your opinion newfriend!

how do i into avant-garde post country ?

Women are people too

i like music

LOL that was really funny

>>>Sup Forumsthread/694286372/best-band-in-the-last-30-years#p694291822

This is basically bizarro Sup Forums

Hello, I don't use music as a fashion accessory or to create an image to impress a group of anonymous people online. I listen to the music that I enjoy and I respect others who do the same.

Mama Mia! Post-Rock sure is a great genre!

lets try this again

He's socially aware. I like that.

Isn't this such a great election year? The candidates are all awesome!
Except for Raul Pand but he got out early so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Anyways I'm glad this last Grammys was so good and gave all the right awards out!

still failed for me


I think there should be more trip-friends on here t b q h

holy fugg that thread
such great taste in music amirite? xDxD
im only 12 but i listen to system of a down and tool everi day

White people are okay with me.

Aquaclowns new release is stellar

spin it on your leg b9s


have great political views

how do I get into post-nu-grunge

Boy I sure am glad to be here today

Start with Pond Of Dirt, Shrub and Quarterback, their discographies are near perfect


I enjoy music

I have nothing but good things to say about rap music

Hey how are ya?

no justice until that monster michael gira is behind bars!

Mozart is a great composer

Underrated fucking gold

Bass guitarists are an integral part of the band

Jon Hopkins

My Napkins

Holy shit Vaporwave is such a timeless genre.

Probably the most significant musical movement in the last decade.