
No Avant-teens allowed edition.
Hello friends and shitposting embryos, this is a thread for experimental music discussion. To clarify: Noise, drone, electroacoustic, free improvisation, futurism, indeterminacy, musique concrete, sound collage, and all that good stuff.

What have you been listening to? What have you been making? Movie and literature recommendations, concert experiences, gear, etc. are all welcome

Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=drone metal&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=&limit=none&countries=

i like joan manuel serrat

>I don't know what avant-teen means.png

good work, embryo

>this is a thread for experimental music discussion
>Movie and literature recommendations

i know that you're baiting but c'mon

Movie? Movie?! That's what hollywood makes dude. Movies sucks, i only watch films.

I listen to both without much though to the scene or identity around them

Switch John Coltrane and Swans

He's using the correct definition, embryo.


you're revealed by the poster count OP, lmao
pathetic fucking newfag

>on le 4chinz

"Someone has a different opinion then my retarded one, he must be a samefag!"

Do you know how the poster count works

>such a newfag that he doesn't even know about the thread poster counter and how it reveals newfags


Op here, there's 9 posters and 12 replies, I'm obviously not samefriending the whole thread up, but think that if you want it doesn't matter to me.

>how it reveals samefags*


>Still at 9 replies.

Found the real samefag. Op is not the samefag, this random embryo is.

>Implying Nico and Julius Mememan are any more esoteric than Death Grips or Swans

Sit down, you're embarrassing yourself. You are purposely proving what a brainless stereotype you are, for trying to make music into a competition of what can be more niche. Using "experimental" as a blanket term for entire genres is ridiculous in itself.

Do everybody on this board a favor, and stop posting. It's overwhelmingly obvious how new you are.

>two posts made at the exact moment the post cooldown ends

you really fucking suck at this lmao

you're such a lame retard, even your self-embarrassment is too beige and unremarkable to merit much attention
i'm bored with you now. bye.

>This avant-teen poseur getting assblasted this hard.

Are you referring to yourself?

Bye for now, see you again in 5 minutes when you're done taking out the trash for mommy.

>I know you are, but what am I!

Jeez, try to act at least slightly mature, I know it's hard to pretend but still.

Death grips

What do you guys think of this?

But you are the poseur here, correct? You are upset, correct? Again, when you're suggesting to act more mature, I think you're refering to yourself. No normal adult would behave like this, correct?

based on the Hungarian book?

All this butthurt over my posts.

I think it's not music related, and you should leave with the other poseurs.

You are assuming this, obviously. You know nothing about me.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone legitimately refer to MPP, TMS or The Seer as avant-garde.


>referring to some avant-teen albums as avant-adult to save face
I wonder who's dumber, the person who invented this damage control or the people falling for said damage control.

Where do I go from here in free improv?
Really liked the unsettling atmosphere of this

Death Grips

Sure thing, buddy.

You must be new here.

Yes, it's the correct term, what seems to be the problem?

The thread starter is actually correct though and is correcting you all for using the terms improperly.

If it's not art music it can't be experimental.

Most art music is not experimental, nice try.

"I like art music! Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, the list goes on!"

compared to popular music? of course it is. and almost everything listed in the OP is popular music, except maybe musique concrete but it depends on what kind. if you mean The Residents, Frank Zappa, Negativland, J Dilla, The Avalanches, then it's shit. however if you mean Stockhausen, Ianis Xenakis, and other composers like them it's good.

nice projecting. my favorite composers are Philip Glass and Stravinsky btw

Shoutout to the user who told me /experimental/ was better than /noise/, you're a liar.

For real this shit sucks.

can u avant-fags rec me something similar to zs thank you

underrated post

mediterrĂ¡neo is amazing senpai

Why do people like this exist

There's no difference between /experimental/ and /noise/.
The trajectories of both these threads are always identical.

Either it's

>thread is made
>a bunch of entry level shit gets posted
>thread dies with about a dozen posts made in it


>thread is made
>thread accumulates a couple of hundred posts of nothing but shitposting and autistic arguments
>thread dies

Check out this obscure band called Swans, they're just what you are looking for.

Okay, but that doesn't make avant adults any better than avant teens though. Both care more about muh experimentation than good music because they never have any real interaction with the real world forget actual living things.

You don't care about music either.


Maybe you could try to start improving it instead of whining like a bitch? But no, that would be too much effort, wouldn't it? Also /noise/ is pure shit. A bunch of no nothings that keep posting the same fucking albums over and over. At least on these threads there are occasionally albums discussed that nobody has discussed on Sup Forums before, when the shitposting is at a minimum anyway.

t. Butthurt faggot who knows nothing about music so relies on surface tier experimentation

ITT: embryos

t. butthurt embryo who only cares about image and not actual music.

it has pure poetry

>Somebody actually using the Avant terms correctly

Never thought I would say this, but maybe Sup Forums can be saved.

>accusing me of image while listening to avant garbage enough to make a thread on Sup Forums
Did I even mention how pathetic avant musician fans look? No. Well I guess I just did now. But their lack of knowing what music really is makes them the truly worse of the worse.

You really do only care about image, which is why you like a bunch of safe Sup Forumscore entry level crap to fit in with your "friends" here.

Found the butthurt Death grips, Swans, or Anco (or all three) fan.

>implying that not liking avant garbage means only liking Sup Forumscore
Holy shit, you guys are just as "intellectual" as the music you claim to like.


Just because you like a few other groups that aren't Sup Forumscore in a pathetic attempt to look open minded doesn't make you any less of a drone.

how the fuck is nico avant adult

>try to improve instead of bitch
I'm working on that in /noise/, tyvm
>a bunch of no nothings posting the same albums over & over
Haha maybe if you tried improving the general instead of bitching :)

There are times when threads are bad, but if you get at least a good thread occasionally, it makes the general worth it. You already realize that with /exp/ but somehow are blind to that with /noise/ because you're bitter over easily ignorable bullshit.

>Haha maybe if you tried improving the general instead of bitching :)

I do, but my posts are ignored by the drones that only care about the same few noise artists/ albums. I still try, though it's pretty pointless.

Lmfao at all the angry Swans, Dg, and Anco fans in this thread, you losers sure get offended when your Sup Forums image is insulted by a person with superior intellect.

Then don't engage with them. I don't. You do you.

This is Sup Forums, this is Sup Forums, & nothing here is worth getting bitter over to the point where you constantly regurgitate your complaints. I acknowledge that you're right, that /noise/ has tons of problems, but the problems have been here since the start. Why is it now that you (& others) are so suddenly angry about it that its worth posting your grievances at every opportunity? I'm sincerely curious. I know you were a devoted poster & I want this heart to heart.

>implying you even know the proportion of the albums
Shit this ain't even a real argument. I guess one does have to make bullshit assumptions to enjoy such terrible excuses for music.

>implying you even know the proportion of the albums that aren't Sup Forumscore

Not sure who you are trying to fool.

Nobody, I am not the one in denial here.

I don't' care that much, but it would be nice if there was a thread to discuss such music without all the trolls and people that post the same few artists/ albums over and over.

That's exactly what a person in denial would say.

Even more assumptions. That's all you can do, huh? I feel like a God trying to communicate to the dumbest ants with how stupid your mental gymnastics are.

I was listening to desu tho senpai by Lil "Yung" Jizza, you probably never heard of him :p

if you still think there's hope for /noise/ you're pretty dumb desu
that general is beyond saving

>with how stupid your mental gymnastics are

Not sure why you are referring to yourself in third person, but whatever floats your Swans.

Glad somebody figured out a way to inject some vitality into these threads: shitposting

Came here to say this. Those posers are getting BTFO hard in this thread, it's amusing to read.

I agree, which is why I only engage the posters who have a clue. Thats the only reason I still stick around.
Its been worse when BRR was around, imo. People fall for the same shitposts if it has a new face.

Xernon keeps holding onto /noise/ as if being on the ground floor of that general was his only achievement in life.

>implying a single person on this board has ever called MMP "avant" unironically

You must be new here.

genuinely you're all retarded
4 people posted actual attempts at conversations
you're all so hung up on the "avant" label it's pathetic

I've said it before and I'll say it again: attempting to discuss "experimental" or avantgarde music in a place like Sup Forums is a terrible fucking idea.

I put a lot of love into this place, its no fun to watch it crash & burn. Its not about achievements, user.

I don't care what kind of "avant" label you guys wanna slap on this, i just want something noisey and colorful like it.

please Sup Forums. i love you guys.

Is this poseurcore or sub-poseurcore? I know that it's all the rave with poseurs and mallgoths on this board.



People here don't like bands like Slipknot, HIM, or Korn, though.

Found the butt blasted Death Grips fan.

Your newfagness is showing.

Hey guys, wondering if you could recommend me some drone/noise/etc... bands. I don't know many of the genres, I enjoy Sunn O)) and Boris.
I'm looking for some somber, darker, noisier but still relaxing kinda music and I thought drone and noise would be the best genres to that.

Try some Death Grips.

Hey avant garde fans
Any Harry Partch nuts in here? Thoughts on micro tonality?

Can't seem to enjoy Death Grips, I've given them a try a couple of times, but I dunno, didn't liked them that much.
Either way, their sound is anything like what I'm looking for, it's not exactly relaxing.

micro tonality seems really interesting, but often I can't help hearing it just as a regular piece but with notes played slightly out of tune, rather than carving new tonal relations into my mind.

That's unfortunate. Have you ever heard Death Grips though?

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=drone metal&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=&limit=none&countries=

here you go, i think it's drone metal you're looking for if you mentioned sunn o and boris

Holy fucking shit
Its now a meme to make up words like avant teen and say they've been phrases before

This really is the worst board

>literally the only thing he can do when someone asks for band recommendations is link them to RYM

Fucking lmao. Embryoooooooooooooooooooooooos.