Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree it's one of the best metal album of the decade ?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree it's one of the best metal album of the decade ?
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nah, man, nah.
Absolutely, this album is nice
>one of the best metal album of the decade
Roads to Judah is still their best, so definitely not
posting serious contender
I think so.
Give the fucking name if you gonna paste picture full of sticks.
Can you not read metal font?
that's 2009 man
Nokturnal Mortum — Golos Stali
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
Liturgy - Aesthetica
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Vektor - Terminal Redux
Are the big 4 of the 2010s.
The vast majority of metal is just unlistenable prepubescent garbage. It takes a lot for me to really like a metal album now. I use to love the genre but now I see that most of it is boring, generic, uninspired shit from some "tortured" edge lords.
With that said, I actually do really enjoy this album as well as their most recent one. I love how "true metal fans" hate Sunbather and anyone who likes it. It really says a lot. Props to Deafheaven for adding something that is actually interesting and inspired to the most stale genre of music alive.
Absolutely. Would you like to talk about them, user?
Agree, my wife's son enjoys all of these records
these posts made me laugh, good job
What did they add?
>watered down atmoshit for starbucks hipsters
>adding something that is actually interesting and inspired
agree with the last three of them but Im ashamed to say that i havent listened to deathspell omega at all, what are they like?
I don't hate Sunbather neither anyone who likes it, but the album is still vastly overrated. Alcest is way better at what Sunbather is doing anyway.
And not even the best from that decade.
Good album though.
Agreed. This album helped tremendously with bringing black metal (the only metal subgenre with any hope for real artistry) out of its stunted adolescence.
>mfw when people actually believe this
this is the superior Sunbather album
Absolutely agree with the first three, Terminal Redux not some much (though it is decent).
>inb4 grind isn't metal
it's funny seeing metalheads get angry over how this album is "shitty hipster black metal". I never listened to Deeafheaven from the perspective of a BM fan because I don't care much for black metal, I listened to it from the perspective of a post-rock and shoegaze fan and it blew me away.
Weirdly when i saw them me and my mate were the most hipster looking people there. Everyone else seemed like typical extreme metal fans.
this is the right choice
>I never listened to Deeafheaven from the perspective of a BM fan because I don't care much for black metal, I listened to it from the perspective of a post-rock and shoegaze fan and it blew me away.
fucking this, Sunbather isn't even black metal
I can agree.
>muh pop metal
Please leave
I very much enjoy Alcest, but I'd take Sunbather over their BM work any day. And Shelter, although containing some beauties, had to many songs that fall flat after a few listens
that's because your idea of typical metal fans are falses
>pop metal
Fucking idiot
I got into grind through Melt-Banana and I agree.
not even the best grind album
Not really, for many years metal was basically all I listened to, it's if anything the crowd I'm most familiar with.
>And Shelter, although containing some beauties, had to many songs that fall flat after a few listens
Lantlos' Melting Sun is the proper choice after their genre shift
I can get behind this 100%. It's that good. Like Discordance Axis went out with The Inalienable Dreamless, Gridlink went out with Longhena.
please be samefag
Apex Predator was great but it started to drag after the first four songs
>tfw only one (You)
fantastic album
how many of (You) are samefagging, i refuse to believe Sup Forums likes that album that much
Fuck this meme album new Bermuda is so much better
have you listened to it?
Indeed. Aren't they all just brilliantly transcendental?
If only you weren't a chick you would enjoy them, too.
>posts pic from shitty overrated death metal record
God's literal gift to mankind since the albums actually all about God and is thus godlike.
Get taste then, faggot.
>neckbeard folk garbage
>best of the decade
>Cheesy prog metal with a little more oomph than the usual pussy shit
>best of the decade
>boring meandering garbage
>best of the decade
>The Inalienable Dreamless regurgitated for the 100000000th time
>best of the decade
>watered down grindcore that doesn't touch the bands' previous albums
>best of the decade
>people like a critically acclaimed album
but which is THE best of the decade?
You hold no power here, /metal/shitter. Now quiet, grownups are speaking.
But then you might as well be a straight chick, too with another straight chick in that kind of relationship.
But OP this is a screamo album
Oh, absolutely transcendental, in a way that reminds me of elseq 1- 5 by Autechre, although it far outstrips and surpasses them.
>>The Inalienable Dreamless regurgitated for the 100000000th time
get your ears checked and then Kys
Paracletus, Aesthetic, Sunbather or Terminal Redux whichever denomination of transcendentalism you follow, you'll still be all good in the end.
>>The Inalienable Dreamless regurgitated for the 100000000th time
Dude you have autism
>The Inalienable Dreamless regurgitated for the 100000000th time
Longhena (or Gridlink in general) do not sound like DxAx.
best b8 I've seen in a while
What are you talking about? What is elseq? Stop talking gibberish, dumbass.
>too delusional to realize he's listening to the same damn technical grind bullshit for over a decade
Metal died after 1993, but I enjoyed this album
If you disagree that either of these album are some of the masterful works of the decade, you need to fuck off back to your Incantation albums you fucking child.
I don't even like The Inalienable Dreamless because it sounds nothing like Gridlink though.
>The Inalienable Dreamless regurgitated for the 100000000th time
Even with the same singer, it sounds nothing like Discordance Axis
your the one who should kys yourself man
I cant follow the lyrics for shit
One of the most dull albums I've heard this year - the most interesting part was the electronic part in Les Silences
I hate bonehead deathgrind and its ilk; Melt-Banana, DA, Gridlink are amazing.
Oh you haven't heard of elseq? Really? I find this very surprising. Almost unbelievable. I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you like these albums.
>>boring meandering garbage
>>best of the decade
where did i say it's the best of the decade? i just said it's the better Sunbather, which doesn't even mean anything
>this thread
>bonehead deathgrind
>this nigga doesn't even know
>resorting to childish name calling
Not very transcendental of you. Get out, pleb.
>more widdly widdly woo grind apologists
Jesus Christ you guys are in more denial than punks who think hardcore is still relevant.
>resorts to calling stuff b8 after being unable to handle the truth
>more technical widdly widdly woo wank
>best of the decade
Enjoy your shitty Starbucks core
good thread
>What is elseq? Stop talking gibberish, dumbass.
christ this hurts
I've never seen so much memeing in a single thread. holy kek
These are very astute criticisms, user. You clearly have a wealth of musical knowledge and patrician taste. I strongly recommend elseq 1- 5.
lmao stick to your hipster metal dumbass
>>resorts to calling stuff b8 after being unable to handle the truth
I'm just unable to believe someone is seriously this autistic, you better calm down before you get a stroke
It doesn't even feature Bjorn "Speed" Strid or David Randall "Randy" Blythe
>all these grind guys in denial
But then, you grind faggots do claim some grind actually sounds different from each other when it's the same thing
Your memes are as outdated as your taste in metal
>releasing the same damn album since Verisaakeet
>best of the decade
You implied it by even thinking of anything being superior to Sunbather that's not the other Big 4.
try some Swarrrm, more different grind. From Japan which the bands you listed either love or are from.
It doesn't do anything for metal or shoegaze other than the image shift.
>the other Big 4.
what are you even talking about now, you madman
this thread is amazing
>all this major b8 going on right now
i fucking love you man
Enjoy missing out great music to keep up edgy kvlt appearances and dying alone.
Everything has gone so far above your head that you're just looking at a small ball rather than the sun itself.
>hipster metal
I guess people will always use such degenerate accusations for music they don't understand. Might wanna actually work on that intelligence of yours buddy.
Stroke? Nigga I am healthy as fuck. Bet you don't even lift like I do.
I said:
>Oh you haven't heard of elseq? Really? I find this very surprising. Almost unbelievable. I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you like these albums.
It's a good album goddammit u fags
crossing the line
Please keep going, this is too amusing