noise thread
What do you think of Breakdancing Ronald Reagan?
This shit is so difficult
nvr heard of him
looks funny lol
What is your approach to noise?
>all about texture
What direction would you like to see the genre go in, and where do you think it will go in the future?
What innovations would you like to see?
i do like breakcore etc, but really, do you appreciate this ?
i like when it's got harsh walls and vocals
>What innovations would you like to see?
dunno desu lol
What's everybody's noise AOTY? I keep going between Crumer's - Stare at the Devil or the Bird's Eye View comp from Hospital Productions
just about the greatest live performance of all time
How can i enjoy noise?
Serious question
only heard gero desu
it was very good
by not being a pleb
>this thread
I'm not even finding /noise/'s ever-increasing shittiness to be funny at this point, it's just sad.
Fucking hell.
fuck you retard
Then contribute to the discussion and make it not shitty, you fucking retard
I used to do that. Obviously it didn't have much of an effect in the long run and I really can't be bothered anymore.
The bird's eye comp was good, which tape was your fave?
I think my AOTY is Daniel Menche's "Raw Cello Sessions", but i'm painfully behind on 2016 releases, so I'm not sure if that'll change in the next few months.
try this senpai
Fuck off.
can I get some ketchup with that salt buddy?
shill your garbage somewhere else pls
I've only listened to Noise mixed with other genres like the first animal collective album and Clipping.
Any way to start?
Listen to "Going Places" by Yellow Swans and "Love is a Stream" by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
listen to songs so loud they distort.
What does Sup Forums think of Kazumoto Endo - While You Were Out? Just heard it today.
Also "Hole in the Heart" by Ramleh
my fav noise album
harsh af
Cancer recommendations tbqh. You drones and your "soft noise", I swear...
have you listened to cave canem? another 2016 release from menche
so basically you like noise that isn't noise at all?
these threads are a fucking joke
please stop making them
oh ok sorry.
Maybe I just like static
I'm suggesting those as an intro, since they are easier to stomach for someone just getting into the genre. They were my intro, so now I'm passing them on
ambient/electronic was my gateway. Posh Isolation, Hospital Productions and Blackest Ever Black
and Portal Editions
Probably Lussuria
Do you guys have some kind of essentials chart or something.
I'm interested in getting into this genre but not really sure where to start, I've listened to masonna, lithuanian hazard, I am a lake of burning orchids and merzbow.
Guess I really enjoy the focus on giving interesting textures to the sound.
pharmakon sucks lmao
the most stereotypical death industrial ever, the only thing she's got going for her is that she's a fuckable woman with connections in the NYC trendy-noise scene
and some Raster-Noton
Your recommendations are inoffensive beige garbage, much like you are.
>essentials chart
>I am a lake of burning orchids
How many red flags can a man stuff into a single post? Kek.
Holy shit calm the fuck down edgelord
That's right, teach the guy to rely on nothing but spoonfeeding. Good work, I bet /noise/ is really gonna get back on its feet with people like you around to help.
Fuck you.
noise fans are so fucking stupid
lmao do you faggots get off to your fan/ice machine/90s computer internals going off? this is pure shit
Noise is the least interesting genre of music I could ever imagine.
And what's the most interesting genre friendo?
progressive metal
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by enjoying this