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It's blink-182
What else is there to say?

booty cheeks

not as bad as thought
fun desu

Except one of two founding members, in fact the lead singer, left and was replaced

So I'd say there's quite a lot to say, e.g. how does it compare to previous blink.

I'm listening to it now, three songs in so far

eh, it was okay, not really worth listening to twice imo

i got turned off by the typical "WOOOOOOAAAAAOOOOOOOAAAAH" in some of the songs

It had the potential to be as good as self titled if Tom had stayed, it's still better than Neighborhoods tho

>blink 182 currently only has one original member

Yeah it's a bit weird, that stuff wasn't in any old blink songs (as far as I'm aware)

I wish he had, he really adds good balance to Mark's songwriting I think

And I dunno, Neighbourhoods has some really good songs, e.g. Heart's All Gone, and I really like Up All Night personally.

fun, catchy, and energetic. all i wanted from a blink album in 2016.

not great, but it's fun.

True but Travis may as well be an original member since he was there for their most successful period

Heroes of 2016

i listened to it a few times when it came out, can't see myself listening to it again. As a diehard fan of their first two albums (TOYPAJ is pretty solid, Enema's okay, their self-titled is very slowly growing on me) I've just been waiting for them to release the demos to these songs. John Feldmann had way too much creative input on this record, and his production is atrocious.

also the bridge on Los Angeles with Mark is the best part of the record by far

Tom Delonge wasn't the lead singer. He and Mark split the role.

26 year old lifelong blink fan here

neighborhoods is my favorite by them lol. easily their bleakest. its beautiful.

>26 year old lifelong

it sounds like they are trying really hard to relate to youngsters but they got too adult

He was the frontman, Mark was backup

Glad you put Cynical as 5 stars, I actually think it's my favourite song on the album. They should have made it into a full song.

I do like Neighbourhoods but their best? Surely self-titled is better. And Enema of the State.

This is the first album I've thought that. And i think the problem is that Mark is now the lead songwriter. I think he's best when he balances with Tom, which is true of Tom too, because Tom's better in Blink than he is in AVA. They're best when they balance each other. They've both got different styles (Mark gets sort of deadpan and emo, Tom likes to go big and arena-style, at least that seems to be true these days) and when they're balanced it makes for good music.

Dude Ranch was the peak of Blink-182's songwriting.

laughed at loud at a good chunk of this song

>Not listening to blinks most zenful album in year of new blink 2016
Do you even blink bros

Nice dubs, also you got the wrong album, self titled is the best

>+44, featuring Skiba

this is there only good album

Never liked Blink at all but I quite like Alkaline Trio (Matt Skiba's band, who replaced Tom DeLonge).

Besides 'Home Is Such a Lonely Place' it's fucking shite, essentially sounds like punk for children, as pretentious as that sounds.

AK3 are much grittier and dirtier and generally better.

4/10, worst blink album by far, makes me upset to be a blink-182 fan at all

Alkaline Trio is better than Blink



>arguing about pop-punk

you're both wrong

It's fucking bad, Neighborhoods and even the EP somehow manage to blow this shit out of the water, now that Blink and Weezer failed to deliver the summer tunes who's gonna step up to the opportunity now?



and musical output

my favorite of theirs

generic teen angst-core