Bands like Mr...

Bands like Mr. Bungle are literally the sonic equivalent of that stupid faggot from high school who went around saying "hahaha I'm too crazy already I don't need drugz to be nuts hahhaa xD see how crazy I am" then did something like start shoving a banana up his ass in the middle of the lunch room or standing up in the middle of class and saying the word "Fart" really fucking loud or something to demonstrate the he was quirky when in fact he was just a huge attention whore who tried way too fucking hard to look weird because mommy and daddy either gave him too much attention when he was a child or too little. Seriously how can anyone listen to Mr. Bungle or any other Mike Patton (or John Zorn or even Frank Zappa for that matter) record and not go "holy fucking shit if these people think this either sounds good or think it's 'interesting' in some way they're even worse than noise artists, because at least those people are aware they're just being provocative for the sake of it but this avant-metal/post-prog/spazzcore faggots actually think they're breaking new ground in rock n roll or proving themselves in some way to be musical genisues"

Seriously if you want musical genius listen to real innovators; Schaeffer, Adorno, Sun Ra, Stockhausen, Fripp, Davis, Eno, and so on, don't waist your time with this caffeine-addicted psuedo-hipster 14 year old who probably still likes metalcore and deathcore "ironically" and has just discovered the bands that influenced Dillinger Escape Plan which aren't shitty hardcore or metal

>inb4 butthurt edgelords who like this garbage with sounds like a personified rubik's cube smoked cracked and got schizophrenia try to say that its ME who is pretentious

I didn't read this last time and I'm not reading it now but I just wanna say I've always really disliked this album cover

"nobody is allowed to be experimental unless I like them"
fuck right off

>it's experimental to just play the most generic carictures of a bunch of different genres all at once

Kek, I don't think you know what "experimental" music is

I'm not saying the band is good (they're shit outside of California), but you have to acknowledge the fact that they were not exactly normal music.

But then again, you hate Zappa and John Zorn, so maybe you're just an idiot.

>so maybe you're just an idiot.
so why are you entertaining him jw

morbid curiousity i guess
maybe i just enjoy arguing with people on the internet

>haha you just don't get it

The intelligence of Zorn/Zappa/Patton fans everyone

Truly u r the special snowflake :^)

I do not think that's a healthy habit but eh we're all wasting our time on this site in some way or another

*be le me listen 2 mr. bungle clown album*
mum: user go play outside not on computer
me: but mum i cant
mum: y?
me: becuase mum MY ASS ID ON LE FIREEE!!!!!!1111!!!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1 xDDDDDDe
mum: le egg :)

are you having a seizure?

you should speak to a professional desu
you seem really upset


Kill yourself anime faggot

sounds like a good time, given you don't have a stick up your ass

>if you don't like something it's because you hate fun

have you been here two weeks or what? go back to imgur

more like because you're cynical and self-absorbed, as your writing makes perfectly clear but yeah, that works too

>A bloo bloo bloo you didn't like my wacky band that makes me look cool you're just a jaded asshole quit hurting my feelings with your different opinion

i see perfectly well that bungle are uncool, so what?
but you, you might as well be making fun of black veil brides fans

>waist your time

Can't spell waste, all points invalid.

>grammar nazi
>in the year of our lord 2000 and 16

>doesn't know the difference between grammar and spelling

All points invalid.

montie pls

ur mom's an invalid ;^)

Forgot about this album, I'm gonna listen to it now
Also tl;dr

>Seriously if you want musical genius listen to real innovators; Schaeffer, Adorno, Sun Ra, Stockhausen, Fripp, Davis, Eno
didn't know Adorno was a musician, you pseud

This thread is a good reminder to avoid this board

It's experimental
A failed experiment that is

no u a pseud

anyone who doesn't enjoy Mr. Bungle must be some kind of humorless, pedantic twat


The most you meme on this album, the more I listen to it because it's good.

Haters gonna hate. :O)

Your opinion is wrong, montieboy

sure you can. If you're a twat, then you'll just have the taste of a twat and there's nothing I can do about that

Holy kek ur butthurt


nice facebook meme :^)

I mean I agree but John Zorn is tight fuck you pussy.

this kid is so desperate for approval he literally replies to everyone who makes fun of him for being an underage pseud

Holy shit. punctuation dude.

>gets butthurt that your facebook memes aren't dank enough

>Hurrr ur mean

what does that even mean? how old are you?

old enuff 2 b ur dad bb cuz i fuck ur mum