Thoughts on this album Sup Forums?

thoughts on this album Sup Forums?

i found it to be pretty boring

i like it

What did you not like about the album?

I thought it humorous and easy listening desu

pretty good, not interesting enough to go back to

dont really remeber exactly but it was slow and uninteresting, no real movements you know?
nothing happaned and was just more of the same le folky acoustic guitar

but i only listened to it once so maybe i missed something

There are some pretty fast paced tracks on the thing.

My aoty tbth

Was my album of the year also.

My gf and I sing along to this album in the car all the time. Every song is great except for True Affection.

I bought my friend a Sony CD Player and this CD

Me and my friend in America now sing Honey Bear to each other over the phone

I hope he does a song called "Snooky I love you" , next
... Dear Mr Blake

How are you? Have you met A

Only came second to this album for me.

Robin Pecknold's lyrics always make me cringe.

I like it and I like the lyrics as well

Why does everyone seem to hate Tillman as a person?

i enjoyed it for what it was.

This album is pure emotion


Except for the gf part of course ha ha ha

love his lyricism, but otherwise pretty run of the mill

thought it was good, but i like his previous one a lot more.
the single kills

I think for me it's a 9/10, I'm sure it's lower for others. I think it's pretty funny and easy to listen to.

The only song I don't really feel is True Affection.

That's funny. I heard True Affection on a radio randomly and looked into it. Thought it wasn't too great but was interesting, and sure enough I got a good album out of it with that being probably the worst song.

I really like FJM, but he does too many fucking vocals. Seriously, all of his songs have OOOOOhhhhs in 'em. Gets kinda old.

Yeah, I agree. Still love it though.

Lyric wise FJM is always very singable. I know almost all the words to just about all of his songs. Not a lot of current songwriters that do that for me. Almost every song on Honeybear is super quotable. I can't help but sing Chateau Lobby, Honeybear , The Night JoSH Tillman, Holy Shit, Bored in the USA, Ideal Husband. I didn't like it as much as Fear Fun at first but it really grew on me. Musically he can be sort of bland though.

Is this supposed to joke, I don't get it.

Great album

This. I think it gets a lot of hate for his personality, but the songs themselves are excellent.

I'd give it another try. I remember feeling a similar way my first run through. I realized on the second go that there were a few tracks that feel pretty distinct and are enjoyable.