/bleep/ BTFO
/bleep/ BTFO
I literally can't believe people chew
Tbh some genres of electronic music get more hate from inside the community then they do from the outside.
>Looking at you big room electro
chew tobacco is literally for degenerate hicks
Well death grips is for tryhard insecure hipster shits, you meme loving fuck
Nobody said anything about death grips, are you on meth again hillbilly?
Haha, excellent post friend :)
I can't wait to post this to r/music
What, are you gonna pull your gun out on me, hick?
>tfw I've been using a can of grizzly every day since I was 17, I'm 21 now. It's so hard to quit that shit.
I feel like some Soundcloud/Bandcamp electronic artist has already used that image for one of their releases.
A can lasts me about a week, pham
How can you go through that in one day? Do you even get a buzz anymore?
why the fuck do people chew? I tried it in the military and I vomited while having the most unpleasant headrush of my life. Just smoke rolled tobacco ffs, it's not as gross and looks a lot more attractive than wadding up some shit and putting it between your gums and your lips.
Haha what a pussy
haha what a degenerate addict
Go suck a dick.
I bet you were a fucking POG too
I was 18, dude handed me a wad the size of a half dollar coin.
amerifats are disgusting
They hate us cause they anus
I'm Norwegian. Snus was fucking currency in High School.
Never personally cared for it too much, but I remember discovering that when you combine the rush with weed you get a pretty good replacement for heroin. No person on planet earth will be able to stand straight.
top tier typo
have you ever done heroin though? It's fucking incredible. I find it hard to believe chew can ever match that.
Electronic music > derivative and shitty rock
Objectively right opinion, you hicks pieces of shit.
There's no way you can't prove me wrong.
This is why I don't do opiates. I believe people when they say it's so good/best thing ever. I know my life would become consumed with the high.
Ignorance is best in my case
rock is dead and will stay dead
electronic music is here for life
Worst nicotine head rush I got was with Arab Dokha. I smoke half a pack of Marlborough Red a day but one hit of that shit was the most unpleasant experience of my life.
it will die
classical died
jazz died
rock died
electronic will die
everything dies
its here forever man
>implying it was a typo
that ad is right
"electronic music" is not a genre but a production method
I dunno senpai, some genres have died.
Look at 90's happy hardcore
yeah man, I'd stay away. I used for 9 years before getting semi-clean. It's not easy to stop once you get in deep. I got in because of a car crash where I was given an absurd amount of oxy.
Yeah man, I have enough problems with nitrous (which is pathetic I know).. I just like being lifted away you know.
Opiates just not worth the journey.
nitrous is fun, I've only done it while tripping though. Is weed not common where you live?
this makes me not want to use snuff any more
its true, to make music on the computer you literally just push a button
if you need tobacco you should smoke
snuff is much worse
Yes. But until recently every corner shop in the city sold it. You could get 2hr deliver 2hr/s a day too.
desu the stuff is great with everything. Just enhances things, used to be great when bleep clubs sold it.