5x5 1 month
Guess the person's deepest secret
Also discuss and recommend music of fucking course
5x5 1 month
You feel left out of life
Enjoys Funerals
Here, albums
You have a hard time tagging Deathconsciousness
Likes good plot in his porrno
Dislikes color
it's something sexual but you're more ashamed of it then you really should be
sometimes you wish you were addicted to drugs instead of addicted to the internet because at least that is fashionable in certain circles
maybe it's not so bad after all and that's the secret
brainbombs lyrics are a guilty pleasure for you
contextless fuckin is decidedly unerotic imo
dislikes coloreds
you've masturbated to idols before
>brainbombs lyrics are a guilty pleasure for you
guilt free pleasure
still has nightmares
weird to animals
listens to white noise to relax
thinks about dying regularly
good eye for interior design
very soft hair
good heart but helplessly beta
well that barely counts as a secret
do you like dog faced hermans?
>soft hair
want to feel it
do you like hmm pygmy lush?
>want to feel it
>do you like hmm pygmy lush?
dunno. hit me with an album to check out?
>thinks about dying regularly
I've not listened to them before
but after checking them out they're p tight
listen to Mount Hope
>it's something sexual but you're more ashamed of it then you really should be
Extremely accurate.
they're pretty cool, they're like a folksy slowcorey band with just a touch of screamo stuff in there sometimes
I think you'll like mount hope the most though, that's ones got no screamo at all and it's gorgeous
I agree! I've been obsessed with too much for the red ticker lately, it's just a short little 8 minute single but it hits right on the sweet spot for noise rock and anarcho punk and even a little bit of quirky poppy something it's really great
that's ok, I still love you all the same
that's cool sounds like might be similar to Snowing but less emo. cheers dudes.
hi please talk to me
terrified of falling in love with their friends
as a child you forced someone to do something sexual with you but were too young to fully understand how wrong it was
>terrified of falling in love with their friends
i already did that and it sucked. Love that Karen Dalton album though.
sorry about that user :c
falling in love with your friends is a wonderful and terrifying thing
>l sounds like might be similar to Snowing but less emo
they're nothing like Snowing
your friend's name mikis