Sup Sup Forums. Post the glasses you're wearing in this thread, and let others guess your taste in music

Sup Sup Forums. Post the glasses you're wearing in this thread, and let others guess your taste in music.

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:


What if I wear glasses in a different thread?


Mine are the exact same.

AIDS skrillex

dunno exact model but they look close enough




Something like Bomb the Music Industry, maybe AJJ

Outboard motor sounds

Krautrock and post-punk
New wave
Edgy minimal techno


Vampire Weekend for sure


you listen to Hot Sugar and Philip Glass


Hate em

Anyone who can see fine, but wears glasses, ought to be shot.
You better have lenses in there, pal.

might've been into AJJ when i got the glasses, can't rmemeber. was 6 or so years ago.
Scrambles is a nice album though, still like that one.

You like DNB, Dubstep and ICP

Got a winner here


meme rap


hey i used to have these. electronic?
90s, instrumental hip hop

the beatles and other dadrock bands


Whatever music nu-males listen too.


power metal

pink floyd

classic rock

dad rock
rap music/hip hop


DnB and jungle



Just got new lenses as well, i can finally see again.

pop punk

>Frame: China
>Cleaned his glasses before making the picture
>Red stress ball in the background
>Antique desk
These are all hints, pieces we have to fit into the puzzle. Still don't know what to make of it


it's a good guess to assume he listens to swans and gets angry when people say the seer is their favorite

god bless, user.


Couldn't have been farther if you tried.

Tame Impala


AJJ and Beyonce

you're a girl or asian or insufferable

weezer or buddy holly or the decemberists w/e

something elegant in its simplicity; workman-like, but with flare

whatever sounds good paired with jorts

The kind of guy who gets drunk at a nice party, changes the music to Neutral Milk Hotel and starts arguing loudly - THIS IS THE GREATEST ALBUM EVER MADE AND YOU TRY TO CHANGE MUSIC YOU TASTELESS SWINE - when somebody comes over after 10 mins to politely ask if he wants to change the music, obviously ruining the party in the process.

>N7243 317 54[]16 140
>not understanding
its so obvious desu


he probably does it on

whas a bet, American Primitivism and other guitar music

I don't wear glasses you bloody awful lot

Avalanches, but you didnt like wildflower
also those glasses are cute



jeez, what a variety of tastes on Sup Forums!


They're fucking glasses

they serve a purpose, that purpose is to see proper
I literally don't give a frick how they look or if anyone else is wearing them

dont shit on my glasses bruv

post your glasses, bro

i didn't listen to avalanches until the new album hype started and i liked both so you're right and wrong i guess and thank you :)

(probably already has, it's probably one of the faggy ones)
I recommend pic related

>other guitar music

you probably like early modest mouse

holy shit what the fuck is happening to this world why are there so many people with glasses

fucking plebs the lot of you 4-eyed motherfuckers

>the Ipad reflection

how early you wanna go?

>GNFPWLBN 1.5 Stars

Harsh noise, noise rock.

Minimal techno, glitch.

Early industrial.

Slam poetry ya dig?

Abstract hip hop, acid house


some gay ass shit that's for sure bucko

that's rude

oh yeah and

Palma Violets, Joy Formidable

>cd only for one
lmao step up your game
here's my discogs that's not updated. i own strangers on cd and all i can say is that it's better than good news and slightly worse than we were dead
accurate enough.



harry potter sound track
modern hip hop
classic rock

>unnecessary anger, derivative taste, lame homophobic shade

the Sup Forums trifecta

yeah, didn't much like strangers, Lampshades was pretty much the only good song and it was a rarity from their early days
(I also do own LCW, I just forgot to cataloge it because it was a recent purchase

woah buddy, projecting pretty hard there, forget something



>lampshades was a rarity from their early days
what? they played it for the first time here unless im missing something, if so please let me know.

better than studio release imo. dunno why they took out the guitars which was the best part.

interesting thoguh that lampsahdes was the only one you liked. I though Shit in your Cut and Pups to Dust were really strong tracks.


I don't wear glasses

a little bit smaller


Literally Slightly Stoopid the glasses

yes, you are correct, the track was released much later than I thought it was

Songs about Fucking and that only
also swans

then you don't listen to music


grateful dead
smooth jazz
Joy Division

Let's hear it.

>mfw all these disgusting eyelets posting near me

All girls look qter with glasses you loser

This is a weird thread.

p4k core


Limp Bizkit, Korn - probably paired with a flame printed bowler shirt too

Whatever your new favorite band is from the last festival you attended

Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, folk album of the week

fuck p4k
