Why is it the only music you guys some to listen to is angry black guy music or sensitive white guy music...

Why is it the only music you guys some to listen to is angry black guy music or sensitive white guy music. Are you literal cucks?

Some of us listen to angry white guy music and sensitive black guy music

Metal and R&B are my shit

Post your pic.

Well, which board do you think the cucks on this website go?

Sup Forums. they spend way too much time thinking about cuckoldry

Sup Forums


obviously this

There isn't any other community on the internet that is more obsessed with big black dick than Sup Forums.

"I'm insecure about my masculinity so I go call people cucks on image boards to boost my feeling of dominance"-OP

They know they're not secure in their masculinity, the personal insecurity fuels their extroverted hate.

Because they want to eradicate it. Know your enemy.
Sup Forums is literally just /cuckporn/ and mods do nothing to fix it.
Sup Forums are a bunch of hypersensitive liberals that read P4k, one of the most pro-black/anti-white sites there is. It would make sense if Sup Forums were all black people, but nope, they're soft-bellied, white nu-males that hate themselves.


this. they apparently can't stop thinking about it. They can't even see a picture of a black person without thinking of dick

youre fucking retarded honestly nobody here hates theirself for being white

I do
My race is honestly the worst thing that has happened to this Earth
At the root of nearly every problem is white men


>Shitpost on Sup Forums all day, every day
>Have cuckolding in your subconscious all the time because in every thread there's a mention of it, while cuckold fetishists pay someone to fuck their girlfriends or wifes maybe once or twice a year and then forget about it
>Literally being a full-time passive cuckold
>Call normal people cucks

Is this some sick joke?


your underage is showing

you should listen to these guys
