What's the best Primus album?
Also, what does Sup Forums Think of Primus?
>Pic related
What's the best Primus album?
Also, what does Sup Forums Think of Primus?
>Pic related
Pork Sodas been my favorite since 4th grade, no joke. Love the dark swampy feel of the album. Punchbowls good too.
I think they're really good, haven't really listened to much after the Brown Album. Favorite would be a tie between Frizzle Fry and Pork Soda, although most of their albums are good
Primus Sucks!
Sailing the Seas of Cheese is my favorite.
Same. Although I was pretty regrettably into Anti Pop for a depressing amount of time. Nowadays I'd say that was their worst album. Seas of Cheese and Frizzle Fry are the ones that stuck with me the longest.
Primus sucks
Pretentious garbage
My favorite is probably Frizzle Fry. I enjoy all their stuff up to Green Naugahyde (that being my least favorite). I haven't bothered to check out any Claypool after that album though.
I think Sup Forums doesn't pay much attention to them, they aren't hated but far from celebrated.
heh heh.
dooog will hunt!
fucking Sup Forums
Bands like Primus are literally the sonic equivalent of that stupid faggot from high school who went around saying "hahaha I'm too crazy already I don't need drugz to be nuts hahhaa xD see how crazy I am" then did something like start shoving a banana up his ass in the middle of the lunch room or standing up in the middle of class and saying the word "Fart" really fucking loud or something to demonstrate the he was quirky when in fact he was just a huge attention whore who tried way too fucking hard to look weird because mommy and daddy either gave him too much attention when he was a child or too little. Seriously how can anyone listen to Primus or any other Les Claypool (or Omar Lopez or even John Frusciante for that matter) record and not go "holy fucking shit if these people think this either sounds good or think it's 'interesting' in some way they're even worse than noise artists, because at least those people are aware they're just being provocative for the sake of it but this avant-funk/post-funk/spazzcore faggots actually think they're breaking new ground in rock n roll or proving themselves in some way to be musical genisues"
Seriously if you want musical genius listen to real innovators; Schaeffer, Adorno, Sun Ra, Stockhausen, Fripp, Davis, Eno, and so on
Nice copypasta.
Look at to see how Primus are pretentious
I can't honestly believe anyone over the age of 18 listens to them
whos omar lopez
They're not angsty metal with no cringy lyrics
And a cool bass
That's something you hardly see and I enjoy it.
Pork Soda is good.
Rush + Stump + Residents + metal = Primus
They're pretty amazing when they're at their best
They're like the anti-pretentious
>song about a hillbilly named "mud" killing a guy with a bat and burying him.
>song about a man named jerry and how he's a race car driver that goes so damn fast
>song about a cat named tommy getting mad pussy
>song about hillbillies and an innuendo about a whore and her whore pussy
you can only take so much primus at a time before you find them annoying, but they're still an overall pretty great band
Pork Soda. I like how murky, dark, and creepy it is. Another favorite is thebrown album. Stripped down natural sound, good lyrics. Somehow like Tom Waits.