Post albums that are generally hated/disliked but you love for some reason.
Fuck you I like it
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Do I have shit taste or something?
Fucking loved this album too.
I will defend this album until the day I die.
Unironically my favorite album. It's so goddamn good.
sweet! I have a iTunes Card Code and it redeemed! I got it at
You do
It really is criminally underrated. There's so much emotion, and the production is just unreal. Kanye is a real nigga. 808s is a masterpiece.
anything by The Hives after their first album, love those fuckers
i thought it had some good songs. It wasn't groundbreaking or spectacular, but i dont think its as bad as people mad it out to be. But thats probably cause I dont listen to a lot of Cudi so i didnt have any expectations for the album.
this album isn't really hated
i hate it
As a big fan of Cudi I like it. Hip hop fans are just very closed minded I think and don't accept anything other than hood shit. Even though Cudi has never been about that and has been singing/humming for years
literally their best album
totally underrated
I think it's great and does exactly what it sets out to do
Siberian Breaks when you're high af is pretty cool.
Found this copy for a dollar in a thrift store in a city of 2000 in the Midwest. It's the scratch off one too :^)
Whoops wrong pic
It's a great album hated by fanboys because it takes a friendlier approach to a rather harsh brand of music
it was. Sup Forums has really warmed up to it in the last couple years, but it was generally referred to as Kanye's little fuck up, even though it's one of his most influential/revolutionary albums.
It's really good, his third best album
really like this one too and get so much shit for it
Love that song so much. I wish they'd release a studio version.
Loved it since it came out and will forever be one of my favorite albums
it's my favourite kanye album. one of my favourites ever. not one bad track on the thing, I can't believe people will say it's his worst just because he doesn't rap on it
Both pretty great albums
who gives you shit? this is a great album, it's heralded as a perfect in between of experimental and easily accessible music on this board all the time
no one hates this
a lot of people here actually think this is the only good mgmt album
it's not that it's bad, but what's so great about it?
its just punk pop, san diego highschool core
It's really hyped up because it's the first release in 4 years and it, personally, carries a lot of emotional weight to it. Most of my love for PTV comes from an emotional side that can connect with the music so it makes it easy to enjoy. It's actually the most hardcore they've ever sounded, their other albums are way more pop than this one. Hella fun to pit to at the concert.
Fuk u b
Don't know what's the verdict for this generally on Sup Forums, but it got shat on when it was released. I've loved it ever since the release, the production feels lush and I love the ethereal voice of hers. Although I think M3LLI55X is better.
Pic related is the best hip hop album since madvilliany, with MBTDF at second
the only people that hate this are white teenage boys who'd rather listen to Drake and the guys on here who hate it because it's a meme
Origin of Symmetry too tbqh, it's the band from high school i can't 100% let go of
you're missing the point of the thread and you're also wrong
Took a few times to grow on, but shit for a political and ethical concept it flows and goes so easy for listener throughout the whole album. The only thing I don't really care about is the conversation with 2Pac in the end of Mortal Man.
fantastic albums
I loved this al-bum
If you went into a mcdonalds and asked for a burger and they gave you a hot dog, wouldn't you be mad.
Hip Hop fans had every right to be upset, Cuddi is a well respected and loved artist, people wanted a hip hop album and got some kind of bastardization of grunge music, they have every right to be upset.
Yes you can argue and change but that was a huge fucking leap.
Its not really the fact that its different, its just very sloppy and poorly made
I agree with you, i still play both to this day
I think this is pretty cool. Am I missing something here?
fuck you everybody likes these now
Big Blake fan but this one is way too long, not that being long is necessary a bad thing but it gets tiring for a while, nothing to grab the listener for that long imo. James debut set the bar too high for himself unfortunitely
Why do people here not like it other than the obvious racism?
That's like my 3rd fav Kanye album, I feel like the consensus of it these days is very positive
>Theres Alot Going On
The album in general is actually pretty cringey, especially considering that Alot is actually part of it, and not a typo.
you fucking people make me sick is, without a doubt, the best
Fuck yeah
If I didn't know better Sup Forums shits on this album worse than Wild Mood Swings, which is another album I think is rather underrated despite a couple standout clunkers. But the S/T is just a set of decent songs with a bit of Pornography flavor here and there, never got why people tear it a new one so often.
his best work thus far
It is honestly my favorite Drake album.
Don't understand why this album gets so much shit. It's an R&B fused Hip-Hop so it's supposed to sound like that.
Not saying its extremely good but i'd say its a solid 8/10
My only beef with this album is that there's too many filler songs (and that channing tatum line wtf drizzy??)
This one.
Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog flavoured water
Ma nigga, PTV 4 life
One of his worst, and don't blame drake for that line or I guess you can, cuz he probably did write most the album. So the writer things would stop but he really had some cringy lines, like cheesecake *shudders
Apart from some shitty lyrics especially "They say people never change but that's bullshit They do" it's an enjoyable listen
All of pavement
if you listen to other anco records you'll forgot this one
I absolutely would not call anco harsh, they're about as accessible as you can damn get.
>tfw you'll never hear Robocop for the first time ever again
I bump Welcome to Heartbreak every day
Excellent taste desu.
Also applies to Paranoid.
Kill yourself litteraly only 1 decent song
Amarillo is GOAT
I thought it was great stupid fun.
Really decent.
What really sucked is that this way Kanye really opening up emotionally and doing what HE wanted and people shat on him for it. After that Kanye went douche mode. I'm pretty sure it was because people didn't respect what the album was and instead said, "lol this black guy isn't good at rapping, 5/10 lol"
Your taste is atrocious. And before you think I'm just a Fantano fan saying this, I actually listened to the album and it hurt my ears. I needed to re-listen to some of my favourite music so that I could retrain myself to enjoy music
Confused and Handle With Care are good songs
The rest is garbage
I like about half of it. Better chopped and screwed
Somebody said on here that Floridada is basically the Wiggles and I can't unhear it
It's trash compared with Strawberry Jam
>Best hip hop album since Madvilliany
>Better than Donuts
>Better than Late Registration
>Better than The Night's Gambit
>Better than Fishcale
Kill yourself
Because Kendrick comes off as obnoxiously didactic, like he's conveying some great truths by saying things like "Drinking is bad" or "Sometimes blacks kill other blacks guise" The timbre of his voice sucks, the sampling is pretentious and simultaneously poorly done. I like plenty of hip hop but this shit sucks
Bad even by dadrock standards
Nice bait
There's another album that's stupid fun: it's called Maladroit
And speeding bullet to heaven, and Embers, and melting, and post mortem boredom.
It's not just Hip Hop people to shit on the album. Pretty much everyone does. Even if you enjoy it (more power to you), but I really don't think it's good at all (And I don't just listen to hood shit)
well even Gira hates this
>this one is way too long
This is my biggest problem with TCIA. Nothing is really "bad" per se, but it just drags on forever without any real high points for huge stretches of time. It really could have been 4-5 tracks shorter and it would have been immensely better.
Only time they've been mentioned on here was while they were being shat on.
I cannot deny also loving the s/t and Church of Rock n Roll. I can see why people wouldn't like it much but the songwriting is p fucken good and Eric does some real crazy good shit with his voice.
This album is great and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
I can't even believe this album was released. Its sounds like a 9th grader's garage band, not an actual LP.
great album
you forgot people with actual good taste
heres your YOU
....I like that lyric
I think alot of people love that album
tyler, the creator always bugs eminem about that album.
if you post the Marshall Mathers 2 LP is more of a "fuck you I like it"
cause that album is cancer
Everyone seems to hate this one, apparently it wasn't "Zeppelin" enough for them. I thought it was mature, groovy and fresh for them. One of their better albums IMO.
Bombay Bicycle Club is dank