Holy shit

holy shit


much better

what is the original image?

Literally what, and who cares?

Source on the original image

If you don't recognize bottom right then smgdh senpai

from the insert o LYSF

tfw ur hands become a post rock album

The back cover of LYSFLATH

Why would they do that to Chris Martin


>tfw your hands become the second greatest post-rock album


Which post-rock album is better than lysf?

soundtracks for the blind


Sftb is like 16 different genres tho

Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die



I feel stupid now

>mfw people on this sitedon't know this was a drawing by William Schaff before being GYBE album cover

>William Schaff
speaking of which...

>album alludes to album
wow incredible

Soundtracks for the Blind, The Seer, To Be Kind, and The Glowing Man.

The man behind Sup Forumscore

look at the absolute madman in the back

It's not even the best GYBE album



he made it for the cover though

not even the best drummer in the beatles

