What are mu's thought on this album? I wasn't planning on listening to it, but I played your best american girl on a whim and fell in love with it. The rest of the album is great as well. I'm surprised how much I liked it, given I haven't really been interested in indie rock for a couple years now.
What are mu's thought on this album? I wasn't planning on listening to it...
Why is her ass so fat?
>he's only capable of seeing women as objects
Love it. Can see her putting out a masterpiece in a few years.
>thinks that complimenting a woman means you think she's an object and not a person
I kinda felt like this was a watered down version of her last album.
>it wasn't a compliment
Yeah, I guess I should probably go listen to that one too?
Just listened to it, it was also really good. Not sure which I like better t b h
Didn't care for it, but would be willing to give it another try. I didn't get the hype of the last record one bit. A few songs on Bury Me were great but it left a lot to be desired imo
just more rehashed 90s alternative.
not groundbreaking at all but it's a fun little record that has some really catchy songs.
a lot of it does feel that way... i wish she took it more in the direction of thursday girl and less in the direction of like, alanis morissette or whatever she's trying to do
Bury Me At Makeout Creek was a better album imo but Happy, Best American Girl, and Crack Baby are stand out tracks on here
Seen her live twice, she's great
my nigga
saw her just last weekend, so good
i enjoyed bury me at makeout creek a lot more i think
both times she played last words of a shooting star as her final song, and it's just so good.
The other guitar player is a mega cutie too
go back to tumblr
Make out creek is better
I think her debut is the best one though
Best track: My body's made of crushed little stars
not exactly, there is some bits of it there, which isnt a bad thing, its certainly nicer to hear than another 80s inspired post punk or synth group all over again
but her songwriting style and sounds are really reminiscent of st. vincent and more modern indie rock flairs
I honestly wasn't expecting to like it at all and I ended up loving it
its a very very good record user, there has been tons of those happening this year
I don't know, but I like it.
I agree. I have only listened to it twice but most of the songs are still memorable to me.