Why do people pretend to like this?

Why do people pretend to like this?

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i unironically like it

this baka desu senpai


i said desu

you think this is a fucking joke niqqa???

dis, my ears love dissonance, that's it

It's a shame, could be good except for the meatbag shitting out of his vocal cords on top of all the tracks

con·cep·tu·al art:

art in which the idea presented by the artist is considered more important than the finished product, if there is one.

what's the idea
do tell
[spoiler]making shit music?[/spoiler]

So do I.



Conceptual art is fucking stupid. Especially if its music. What the fuck is the point of art if nobody enjoys it? If theres a cool idea behind it its just philosophy wrapped up in shitty music. Not good art

pretty much, fucking with ideas of harmony, rhythm, consonance, etc.

>What the fuck is the point of art if I dont enjoy it?
fixed that for ya ;)
yr welcome bud

Ok, and? A lot of people dislike art that others think is "deep." It doesnt make them shallow, all art is subjective.

thats not what he said

Dumbfuck there's nothing you're not getting. Just wait for a few years to grow out of your shitty Radiohead and AnCo then you may man up and love this album enough to sleep with it

It's good fun, what's the problem

Art doesn't exist solely to make people feel good. It exists to make you ask questions and gain new perspectives among other things.

>no no you don't get it
>the message is more important than the music
>so it's ok that the music sounds like shit and that shields it from all criticism of its musical quality
It scares me that there are human beings out there that believe this


Pic related also not art, its a fucking object lesson created by a philosopher who wasnt really a good artist, but came up with an ingenious way of convincing everybody he was. If you want to make people question things, dont disguise it in bad art. You can do the same thing with enjoyable music

This is not art

The album is a joke played on the kind of people who look at modern art and see the "cerebral-ness" of it.

I like a lot of albums that don't make me feel good (Deathconsciousness and Soundtracks for the Blind for example) but I still listen to them because it's good music. I don't care what fucking questions a piece of music is trying to make me ask or what perspectives it's trying to make me see, if the music is shit then the music is shit.

its like art history 101 in here. Beeheart isnt all that conceptual though, he made kinda wanky weird tunes cuz he wanted to and thats dope.
duchamps actually fuckin fantastic even if yr not into the readymades. If you just want representational art (which duchamp did) yr like a century behind

Lmao theyre all listening to this noise, pretending to like it because its "all about the concept"

desu that urinal is pretty a e s t h e t i c

I have a feeling you don't even know what a mode is let alone understand why they're used in a song.

And what would lead you to the conclusion that I have no knowlege of music theory based on that? You just pulled that out of your ass because you want to blame my criticism of this so called art on not understanding anything about music composition

>I don't get it therefore nobody does

The fact that you can't understand the connection only affirms my conclusion.

Youre completely missing the point. Its not about "getting it" its that wrapping up original ideas in shitty music/art doesnt make the music/art any better

>he fell for the 'music can be art' meme

>I can't rebuttal their points so I'll just call them autists

lmaoooo all these plebs can't into art 101

2deep4u: the thread

holy shit this sounds like a bunch of kids with add got a hold of instruments and started playing randomly
then you've got lieutenant memefart screaming gibberish

holy fucking shit dude

Huh? Theres not a connection, there buddy. You pulled two completely unrelated ideas out of a hat and said theyre connected to seem lofty. And to answer your question, yes I know what a mode is and why theyre used in composition. Do you need me to name them for you? If that prank of an album used them properly maybe it wouldnt be such a discordant mess


Apparently kids with ADD have math rock tendencies, I should look into that more.


remember who makes these threads Sup Forums. Remember who makes ALL these threads.

>obey the hive mind

Shitty? I legitimately find the experience of listening to TMR enjoyable. I wasn't aware there is a concept behind it, it's just groovy.

shhh.. just hear


whoa... really makes you think...

Because it's legit good, even if you're just looking for a "fun" listen and not to analyze it or anything. If it actually sounds too weird for you to enjoy you must be really new to music...

okay but you're ignoring the people in this thread that say they legitimately enjoy it. you want to believe that people only like it because it's conceptual but other people like it for what it is.

it doesn't sound like shit though and it's pretty much the opposite of "conceptual art"

i mean, there is nothing really difficult to understand about the album and it can be very enjoyable at face value


TMR isn't even conceptual

it's a really funny and wacky blues rock album with weird grooves, polyrhythms and dissonance.

it's just Sup Forumstants who want their [(You)]'s

I can appreciate whatever the piece is trying to convey, but to appreciate the work as a whole solely due to this is stupid, it's still an unpleasant listening experience, and I cannot enjoy it for that reason. there are many albums that manage to be both enjoyable listening and have an interesting idea presented throughout.

tmr has neither, it's just awful. there was no insight, no depth, it's just 'avant garde' for the point of being fucking 'avant garde'. it's a joke.


I'm going to assume that you're not a musician and that you're probably missing out on some things. Trout Mask Replica is in fact an ''experiment'', in a sense that it combines blues, blues rock, jazz, free-jazz in a non traditional way. While I do agree that the album is definitely out there and it sounds unusual and weird, many of the songs have meanings and are not just band's jam sessions (I will provide links at the bottom). Saying that, there are also songs that are completely nonsensical - Hair Pie: Bake 1, for example. You can pay attention to different instruments each time you listen to an album. Drum work is very interesting and not at all random (there's poly rhythms, blues rhythms, etc.). Slide guitar blues riffs combined with free jazz and avant garde sounds are also something to open your ears to. Song ''Pena'' for me is an equivalent of having a horrible day or arguing with someone. It's harsh, unpleasant, weird, almost unbearable - and that's exactly what I feel in the aforementioned situations. They've somehow managed to capture that awful feeling perfectly. I do realize that nothing can prepare you for this album, if you're not a musician and I feel that's why so many people don't find this album at least intriguing, however unpleasant and devoid of any ''structure'' it is. I've listened to a lot of jazz, prog and jazz fusion records before Trout Mask Replica and I was still baffled. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, even though I felt I was somehow prepared. No disrespect, but, in conclusion - it's very hard for someone who's not a musician to enjoy the weirder side of music, like jazz and avant garde music.

>it's an experiment because it combines blues, blues rock, free jazz in a non traditional way

I tried experimenting mixing those blue and red slush drinks together in a non traditional way, doesn't make it a concept piece desu, don't think it'll be seen in the pompidou centre anytime soon. nice work proving op's point.

I don't think anybody should talk about any kind of music unless/until they have listened to TMR from start to finish while tripping balls on some good LSD.

why do people think you have to pretend? i think it's the greatest pop album of all time

>people who legitimately don't think this is enjoyable music
It's not even 'avant garde' it's just fun

When you can't make an argument related to music, resort to logical fallacies. Thanks for nothing.

sorry I didn't realize you were the authority on what's art or not




name the fallacy bb

I genuinely enjoy this album and consider it one of my favorites, no joke.